What's your favorite breed of dog?

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And again -- how big do you think Doc will get to be?

My favorite breed is the Rhodesian Ridgeback, but there are very few kinds of dogs that I dislike. I'm not a big terrier fan and I wish I could say I'd met a Pointer who wasn't stupid and stubborn, but thus far, I haven't. But I like little dogs, big dogs, medium dogs, mutt dogs, and even toy poodles.

What's your favorite? (I'll just save my anti-AKC rant for another time.)

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999


Doggie graduation - Have you seen the movie _Dog_Park?

Favorite breeds - I have had a good number of dogs over the years, but my favorites are great danes and australian cattle dogs (heelers).

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

Why, black labs are my favorite, of course! :)

I can't believe how much Doc looks like Bailey. They could be long lost dopey brothers or something. hehe

My guess is that if Doc really is Bailey's brother, you're looking at another 20 pounds or so before he's full grown. Bailey has finally stopped growing... he's almost two years old. I'd say he was still growing (well, horizontally anyway) well past his first birthday.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

I hate dogs. At least dogs that live in urban areas. We are finally getting some cool nights down here in Texas, but can I open my window and enjoy the cool air? NOOOOOOOOO, unless I want to listen to a long night of barks, whines, and yips from dozens of dogs in the adjacent houses.

If one lives on a large rual place, say 100 acres up, then a dog can be useful. If you live on less than 100 acres you should not have a dog.

It's nothing against the poor dogs, they can't help but be miserable at being imprisoned.

So my favorite breed of dog is any dog that is stuffed.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

I have seen a couple of 90 lb Labs at dog parks....maybe you will luck out and get a 90lb'r? :)

I love Harlequin Danes. I just cannot take my eyes off of them. "cow danes".....gorgeous.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

I like many kinds of terriers. They're so cute. I'm thinking of Staffordshires and Jack Russells. I don't like any kind of long haired terrier, I don't think.

I like border collies because they're so smart and active, but I dont' think I'd be a good border collie owner. Our friends have one and we've gone to see him compete in sheep herding.

I like bulldogs. God knows why. And I like dachshunds even though most of the ones I've known have gotten paralysed or something in their old age.

And I like Chihuahuas and I did before the Taco Bell thing. So sue me.

We aren't getting a dog, though.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

I have always loved Labs and they can be any color. My dad in Texas has four, and my grandmother in Sac has one. She had two, but the older one died recently. It was like losing a member of the family.

My brother-in-law has an Argentine Dogo that my boyfriend and I want to own. His name is Cain, and he is one sweet, big dog. He is less than a year old and already weighs 85 lbs. The breed is part great dane, part pit bull and a bunch of other stuff thrown in. They are very good protection/guard dogs which is why he was purchased, but he is the sweetest thing. He is also very smart. When he was a puppy, they threw a toy for him to go get and instead of dashing off to get it, he slowly trotted over to it and picked it up and walked back over to the person who threw it. He was about 3 months old at this time. He likes to sit on you and lay on you until you pet him.

Big Lug.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

I have two dogs, and i live on less than 100 acres.;-)
Anyway, theyu are both mutts, and also brother & suster, although you'd never guess. Garth (not a name of my choosing) is about 4o pounds, good small-medium size, and Patches is smaller. They're outside dogs, and sorry to say, not too bright. But Garth has learned a few tricks. obody likes patches anymore, she's really stupid, and likes to run away as soon as she's untied. I hate keeping a dog that's tied, but try as we might, she just runs. She wasn't a good mother either, she always tried to abandon her puppies. :-(
Anyway, Garth has wound up looking like a golden retriever with a long bsuy tail. Patches looks more like a mostly black collie with patches (DUH!) of brown & white.
And as far as howling at night, the house are pretty far apart, btu you can still hear barking from other dogs, and mine too, especially when the wild "coon" dogs & coyoties come up the field.....

eerie..... *brr*

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

My mom has a Puli these days, and she's great. The best dog we ever had was a cross between a beagle and a dachsund - the smartest, sweetest dog I have ever met.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

I have a yellow lab, so I am incredibly biased towards all Labs. They are just the best dogs. We thought she would be only 70 lbs. but at a year she finally topped out at about 85 lbs. She's still our sweet puppy, though, and still sleeps on the bed with us. Her name is Annie. I have to add a consonant to the front of her name all the time to make a nickname. She is Annie panny, panny poo, poocherhead, pee pied panny, annie po-nanny, you name it. Soemtimes I forget how stupid these names are and use them in front of other people besides my husband. She gets very embarrassed.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

...to be honest, i actually really like pit bulls --- they have such a terrible reputation, but it is 90% due to terrible [and often abusive] owners...here in san francisco they've been trying to change the perception of pit bulls by giving them a new name: "st. francis terriers"...

...the SPCA used to sell t-shirts promoting this "name change" with the slogan: our reputation is the pits and thats no bull...

...i hope it helps...at least they have me in their corner...

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

Border Collies are awesome. We had three when I was growing up and they were the sweetest, smartest dogs ever. But very energetic, as you point out.

I don't understand why urbanites own them because they need to run. Border Collies need to have acres of green pasture to chase sheep, horses and cows in, or at least get sticks. A small yard out back won't cut it for a border collie and they'll always be peering out the back. We had 175 acres of open land when I was living at home and those dogs knew every step of it.

The most gruesomely stupid dogs I've ever seen are springer spaniels. My parents got one after the border collies all went to doggy heaven, and it is by far the stupidest and meanest dog I've ever seen. I had a roommate with one, too, and the thing was perfectly horrible. I think they're goodlooking, but much like men, goodlooking dogs are often sooooo dumb!

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

Stasi: is Bailey from Rio Linda? Because Doc is. Maybe they are brothers!

Ms. E, I like pit bulls and Staffordshire terriers, too. I hadn't heard of the St. Francis terrier thing, but I like it!

Of course, this morning Jeremy got attacked by the two mean, stupid, and always unleashed pit bulls (mixes, I think -- they're really big) around the corner. He was on his bike, fortunately, but they chased him. He bitched out the owner, and I decided to continue with my practice of never walking Doc down that particular street.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

Oops, I left some stuff out:

Do you ever say this to your dog Annie? "Annie Banannie with the big fat fanny." I'd add that to your list of nicknames; it's a classic. (Can you tell I used to have a pet named Annie?)

And springer spaniels are, as far as I can tell, tremendously stupid. We used to live across the hall from one. She was very nice, but dumb as a rock.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

well, for years i've been a cat person. dogs made me nervous - mainly because most of them are actually bigger then i am! plus i didn't really understand them, not having been around animals all that much.

anyway. a few years ago, i lived with a boyfriend and his family, and they had a german sheppard named rocky. rocky had big ears and huge eyes and he smelled very very strongly of 'dog smell' and was the sweetest dog ever. i fell completely in love with him. ever since then, i have actually considered getting a dog many times.

my mom went into this huge dog phase a few years back, and since then my parents have had... 3 dogs. the first was rosey, a sheppard/collie mix. just gorgeous. unbelievably beautiful and very very smart. however, my mom then decided she wanted a beauceron. so they got one. a male. he got really big and really aggressive. rosey refused to ... what's the word... submit. my mom was scared indy would chew her up, so they gave her away to the neighbours. then indy bit a (different) neighbour and he was sent away to a huge farm. apparently he's quite happy there and hasn't bitten anyone since.

then my mom got another beauceron, a female. of course, my step-dad didn't want a dog, my brother wasn't into taking care of it (being 11 years old) and my mom never had time - so the poor thing lived in her dog run in the back of the house 90% of the time. every time i was over i nagged and nagged at them to give her to someone who would treat her like one of the family and spend time with her. there were a couple of times they went on vacation that i looked after her. man, talk about a full time resonsibility! it drove me nuts! plus, she didn't spend a lot of time with people really, so she wasn't that socialized. therefore, miray was a pain in the butt. always jumping on you and nipping all the time. plus it was very hard for me to walk her; she was almost too big for me. nearly took me for a drag a couple of times (she ran away during a bad thunderstorm - fear of loud noises - so they finally found her a new home).

but i do i like dogs now. and i love labs - any kind. unfortunately i think they'd get too big for me (same with sheppards, love those too). but i don't like little dogs. my mom had one of those too (my grandma has him now). he and i did not get along. he was so aggressive and just in your face. and i'm not quite sure about doggy smell yet. sure it clears your sinuses but the question is did you really want that? so. until i own my own home and feel like being resposible for something other then a lazy cranky cat who wants lovin's once a day and regular feedings, then no pooches for me.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

I love all dogs. (I must if I have three of them!)

My favorite is the Brandy breed. She's probably Lab/Shepard/Beagle and I just love her to death. She's got the sweetest personality and loves to cuddle up with me.

I also love all Labs and Lab mixes. And I really like Golden Retrievers and Beagles too. Ok, Ok, I LOVE them all.

I was really surprised that I liked Toy Poodles too, Beth. I met a couple of really sweet once that had a very soft coat that I just adored. And my friends' mother has a soft coated Wheaton Terrier that is just a love too.

The only dogs I don't like too much are the small kind that yap and bark non stop because they feel threatened because they're small. Even then, I'll try to pet them and see if they'll be nicer.

Oh, yes, Dave does call me the Doggie Lady :)


-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

Wow, can't believe two other people on this page listed Great Danes as their favorites, I thought I was more unique than that. "There's nuthin' like a Dane", I always say. Beth, Danes keep growing till they're three years old, but I don't think that's true of all breeds. But even if Doc does grow to 80 or 90 pounds, he'll still be Doc. Just more to love! But I urge you to do what I wished I'd done more of: train 'em well while they're still little and manageable. Trust me on this.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

Irish wolfhound, baby. I swear, I watched 'Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves' so many times because those dogs were in every other scene. Not a terribly attractive dog, but I love 'em anyway.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1999

My favorite breed is Black lab.

And as far as how big he'll get...hmmm. My next door neighbor has a black lab (full breed) that weighs 145 lbs. It's an amazing animal, named Sevy.

My black lab (mixed with ???) is about 37 lbs. He looked exactly like Doc does in the puppy picture, except Sampson had a white spot on his chest. Adorable.

So what I'm saying is 'who knows?'

-- Anonymous, October 02, 1999


Actually, we got Bailey at the SPCA last February (98)... There was a whole litter of 'em... and he's half pit-bull. So he could very well be from Rio Linda, but I don't really know. His mom (me, duh? hehe) is from Rio Linda, and you know how all us folk from Rio Linda inbreed... so I'm guessing that Doc and Bailey are probably long lost cousins. heheheh

-- Anonymous, October 03, 1999

i am a complete and total sucker for chesapeake bay retrievers. last fall, there was this random alum visiting campus and he had his two gorgeous nearly full grown retrievers with him. i spent most of an afternoon on the quad playing with those two dogs. well mannered, lots of fun, and beautiful, beautiful animals.

well, i'm from maryland. can i help it?

i'm also mad for german shepherds, but only NICE german shepherds. i've met ones that bite and i don't like them so much.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 1999

There is nothing better than a Lab, nothing. My beautiful Chocolate Lab, Madison (Maddie), is the smartest, sweetest, most loving animal I have ever known. (And I have known some dogs, don't get me started on my in-laws yappy, way to needy Pomeranian)

Maddie reached full size at a year old. She weighed 75 pounds. But, because we are a sucker for her, and she is sneaky, and she loves treats, she once peaked at 85 pounds. My mom has since put her on a diet and she is back to her normal 75. I miss her so much. Labs are so loyal. My mom told me that after I moved away, Maddie use to sneak into my room and get a shirt or something of mine. She would carry it around the house and roll around on it. She missed me. I really miss her.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 1999

my favorite dog is a mutt--they are generally healthier and live longer than pure breds, and they need someone crazy dog lady like me to take them in. as for purebreeds, i love rotties, german sheperds, any big dog. also, great swiss mountain dogs--they are big but don't drool! about the eventual size of doc: look back on his vet records and see what he weighed at four months old. if you double that, that will most likely be his top weight, or very close to it. my vet told me that; at four months, my mutt was 16 lbs., now she's 35. so i guess it works.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 1999

My favorite breed of dog is the kind that's actually a cat. And my guess is that Doc will top out somewhere around 220, maybe 240.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999

#1 Rottweiler #2 Pug

I have both breeds (breed and show both actually), but the smartest dog I have ever owned was a Standard Poodle and I am currently on a waiting list for a replacement puppy.

I think your dog will probably end up at 75-85 pounds from the sounds of things now...

-- Anonymous, October 06, 1999

I think I posted this another, earlier forum, but oh, well.

I absolutely love Bull Terriers (Spuds McKenzie from the Budweiser commercials in the '80's). They are sweet and intelligent and have the cutest personalities.

I will have one.

Does anyone know how much they run?

-- Anonymous, October 13, 1999

As much as they can, when you let 'em off the leash.

-- Anonymous, October 13, 1999

No wait... I've got a better one.

You say: What's your favorite breed of dog?

I say: Just Whippet. Whippet good.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 1999

I'm buying my sister a puppy for her birthday (awww) and yesterday I got to see the litter - they're purebred Border Collies, about two weeks old at the moment, and just gorgeous little bundles of fluff. She and I have joked about calling it Fluffy, but I've told her that as they're so damned pretty (and have such bluer-than-blue bloodlines) it will have to be Princess Fluffy. I'm really, really scared that it will, indeed, be forever known as Princess Fluffy.

And Vic, I've always planned on getting a whippet, AND calling it "Good" - damn you!! you've stolen my joke!!

cheers Anna

-- Anonymous, November 13, 1999

I like all dogs!

but, I must say my evil chiHUAHUA has put a spell on me, and now I love all that is chuhuahua.

Somebody save me...HuaHuaville

-- Anonymous, July 29, 2000

I love mostly all dogs, but I do have some favorites: My favorite breeds that I, or my family, have every owned (and trust me thats alot) are Black Labs and our current pet, a BEAUTIFUL Golden Retriever! She is the most adorable dog. Shes 3 but she still has that puppy look to her! Shes pretty obedient too, although we give into her charm most of the time she gets into trouble! I also love border collies, which my neighbor has 2 of, AND I have fallen in love with a breed that I have never even met before... the Bernese Mountain Dog! Its the most beautiful animal I've ever seen honestly...It may sound like I'm overreacting, but I'm in love! haha! Well the truth is I just fell onto this site while I was searching for information on Bernese Mountain dogs! Well I gtg respond soon haha!

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

Rotties are my favorite, with labs a close second. Rotties are big and headstrong, but they aren't vicous if yu bring them up right. They do have some territorial issues but they are sweet as hell and fun to play with. I used to live in a warehouse space with a guy who had a rottie. That dog would roll a bowling ball all over the place, pushing it around with his face. He always wanted to play when I got home.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

I am in love with the Corgi. Specifically, Pembroke Welsh Corgis. They're the perfect house dog: a big dog attitude in a compact frame. They're bigger than a yippie dog, but too short to steal food off the table and counters. The funniest thing about their appearance is that they aren't small, they're just short. Regular sized head, body and feet, but short little legs.

I finally got a Pem last year and just adore him. He's so sweet and lovable, and he never fails to crack me up. What a nut.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

Boxers and Pugs are my favorites. However, if I were going to get a dog (I already live with a Golden Retriever. He's not really my dog...even if he believes otherwise) then I'd most likely go to one of the local shelters and get a mutt. I tend to get animals that nobody else wants (Blind, deaf, missing limbs...that kind of thing.)

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

Sighthounds (any kind - whippet, greyhound, afghan hound, saluki, borzoi, irish wolfhound) I love 'em all.

I've always been a cat person, so when my wife & I decided we wanted a dog, we wanted a cat-like dog. We were torn between basenjis and whippets - the whippets won out. I currently have two whippets & they have the best personalities. Plus, no doggy smell!

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2001

BORDER COLLIES are the best, smartest, and prettiest of any breed. If it's not a BORDER COLLIE, it's just a d-o-g.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

However, if it is a BORDER COLLIE, there is a good chance it will be acting like I did when I was on crack. Except I didn't give a shit about sheep.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

This topic was way too peaceful last time around. We should have a big old fight this time around.

Mutts rule, purebreds drool!

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

I hasten to point out the curious wet substance coming from your mutt Doc's mouth. Evidence: tennis ball, backyard.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

All dogs are good dogs. There are no bad dogs, only misunderstood dogs.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

Ah, the optimism of dogless.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

There are many bad dogs. Many of them are border collies.

That's not drool, that's mutt juice.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

Bitter Hag, you have my dog! I love Pembroke Welsh Corgis. I want one SO badly.

All other dogs suck because they don't have wee little legs that make them look like the dog version of Hank Hill's dad.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

Oh, no. You are not going to dis my dogs because they aren't corgis. Corgis are mutants. Vicious mutants. I used to live next door to one that consistently chewed all the hair off its legs. It was completely insane and looked like a dog ass that had somehow become separated from the rest of the dog.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

I dig Schipperkes, even the ones that snap at babies and end up living on a farm with another Schipperke and adopting a little girl and being ten times happier than they were with their previous owner who, if they think of him at all, do so with contempt because he brought that chimp baby into the family, and yet the previous owner misses his little poo-eating, baby-snapping dog like mad...

Oh, yeah. Sorry. Schipperkes. I have Issues, I know...

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

Someone in Boston has Corgi pups. I look about once a month, first time I've seen it. rog has agreed to let me get one if "we can afford it." What the dollar level of affordance is has not been established.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2001

A friend of mine has a dog that's a cross between a corgi and a German sheperd. It looks like a pale German sheperd, but with tiny little corgi legs. I laugh every time I see it....

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2001

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