TG : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
I'm really pleased to see Notman and Kamo'n (did I get that right?) and others are using TG settings.I do need the real names behind these aliases, and hometown and country infomation would be nice, if possible. It's really interesting to see where everyone is from (my geographical knowledge has improved since I started including the hometown and country info).
As for Donut, can we come up with a pseudonym for you? Like John Donut or something, with your real hometown and country information? I think that would be a good compromise. Some of your scores are quite good, it would be a shame for you to miss the next edition of the Twin Galaxies Book.
Please email me with your thoughts. This goes for all the guys/girls using the TG designation after your scores, who are using a "nome de plume". Hmmmm, I wonder if that's right, my french is very rusty!
-- Mark Longridge (, September 21, 1999