Find Author of poem? : LUSENET : Poetry : One Thread

I am looking for the author and missing piece of this poem that I saw a few years ago on a greeting card:

"Someone, somewhere is peacefully watching two seeds haphazardly tossed by a strong wind landing lightly on soft fertile soil, growing separate together in a vast expanding landscape under the same sun, under the same moon clinging to their own roots...

(missing part)

deep, hard, determined, still side-by-side, growing closer; sharing the same air, the same wind, the same rain - learning to understand, to comfort, to give, to receive, to Love."

Contact me:

-- Paula DiSalvo (, September 20, 1999


Someone, somewhere is peacefully watching two seeds haphazardly tossed by a strong wind,

lightly landing side by side on soft fertile soil, growing separate together in a vast, expanding landscape under the same sun, under the same moon, clinging to their own roots...

deep, hard, determined, still side by side, intertwining, growing closer, sharing the same air, the same wind, the same rain...

learning to understand, to comfort, to give, to receive, to Love.

Two seeds, author unknown

-- ilza (, September 20, 1999.

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