It's between me and Q.T. : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

OK...I left that thread to let you all "make the difference", and I decided to carry on this discussion publically, even if I preferred to receive such a flame (your statements come across as both rude and obnoxious ....This statement is both hypocritical and non-productive rhetoric )privately from you, QT. When I proposed a submission regulation, I was told I've no right to decide which recording is "lame".....well, it seems you have the right to call my posts "lame": Cicca, let me state quite simply to you or anyone else thinking of making such a lame post: .

My post was not intended to flame you, but, in a way (in 1) and 2)), as an active Marper, to argument why I decided not to vote (and in democracy I have this right, it's not a matter of having the moral high ground ), and, in another way (in 3)), to struggle the Marp community, to "discuss less and act more".... BTW, could pls tell me where I said the list is silly...!?!?

If YOU really believe in democracy, you should let me (and anyone else) contribute to any discussion, agreeing or not, but argumenting, and not offending (see quotes above) !!!

PS: It's not strictly private as in the subject.....if anyone wants to comment about this, he is welcome.

-- Cicca (, September 20, 1999


Most of your questions are answered back in the main thread. I've given up on making it a voting only post :(

As for a few points:

You did not directly say the list is silly. You implied that it was "a lot of words(and nothing more)" The two views would seem to correllate.

Your statements DO come across as rude and obnoxious. If someone organizes a vote, and you want to spoil a ballot, fine. But you don't run around telling other people that the vote is just so many more empty words or Wild Western diplomacy. You don't yell out your opinions when you're in a polling booth.

Your statement WAS also hypocritical. You cannot claim to not be voting because you have 200 points at stake, and then say that you are not voting because this list is just more 'words' The two views contradict each other. One is a statement of personal advantage, the other is a statement of ethical preference. And if a statement is hypocritical, it is generally non-productive (I'm an English major, so I'm fairly sure of that point)

To be perfectly honest, I don't believe in democracy either. I believe in E.M. Forster's 'dictatorship of the plucky' (you can read this in his essay -- What I Believe) I am only using democracy in this case to try and give everyone an equal footing.

This post is intended to answer most of your statements. I will apologize for my rudeness in the main post. That was uncharacteristic and childish of me. But I was angry, and wanted to get the message across to other people thinking of posting that the thread was not there for the purposes of being discussed, and I didn't feel much like being eloquent about it. I know you will have things to say to me after this post, so please, e-mail me privately, unless you feel that I have said anything unfair inside this post which must be responded to publicly to save face. You will find a new post under the voting header that is slightly more apologetic.

-- Q.T.Quazar (, September 20, 1999.

But then, QT, are you breaking that own "democracy to give every player an equal footing"? If they are easily copied, as I am assuming is the reason you want them banned, then everyone could do so and, as you say, be on an equal footing. If you really want people on an equal footing, ban every single game MAME emulates, as then everyone would be at 0. Is that equal enough?

-- Chris Parsley (, September 20, 1999.

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