What did you do on your last big night out?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

We are just a super happenin' couple, obviously: dinner at what turned out to be a family restaurant, browsing at a big chain bookstore (not even a funky little used book store -- but they don't have those near movie theaters in this town), and then a Bruce Willis movie. (It was good, though. Recommended. Quite scary.)

What do you do on your big nights out?

-- Anonymous, September 18, 1999


Well, tonight we're going to the Zoo for Dance in the Wild, a performance by the Sac. Ballet. It's set up for kids, so Rich probably won't hate it.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 1999

dinner and a movie, usually. followed by pie at some grungy diner we see on the side of the road from wherever we're coming.

but the last big big one, he took me to a french restaurant complete with elitist attitudes, accents and good food, we went to see cabaret at the warner theatre in dc, and topped it off with pie at a diner and cheap wine when we got home. it was nice. very romantic.

except for the part where he got lost driving in downtown ghetto washington, dc.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 1999

What's a night out?

-- Anonymous, September 18, 1999

Yesterday my friend Chris and I took a road trip to San Francisco. Well... Can it be a road trip if I live there? Let's just say it was a road trip.

He had free tickets to the SFMoMA, and we did that, and as always there was amaingly cool stuff waiting in there.

We went to the new Metreon complex, axplored the stores, checked out the arcade. Has anybody been to the Airtight Garage arcade at the Metreon? Has anybody else seen the Hyperbowling place? It seemed pretty hot - all the machines were in use and the place was packed.

We then met up with my mother and made an evening show of "American Beauty" which only opened in 5 or so cities last night. In Sacramento, for example, one has to wait two more weeks to see it. Nyeah. And I mean nyeah, for this was an amazingly good movie.

Then they drank beer and I drank soda. Then back to Sac with us.

The End.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 1999

"Hey," I say to Travis. "What did we do on our last date?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" he says from the couch.

"What did we do on our last date?"

"Shit, I don't know."

Well, we did go over to these formal garden thingies last week and walk through them. It was really nice. Umm.. we ate coney dogs and seasoned french fries and lime coolers and cole slaw today with my mom. I don't know. We don't usually have time or the money to go out on "dates". I'd say the last one was a couple weeks ago when we went to visit his friends down in southern Illinois and we went to this carnival thing. It was a lot of fun. He and his friend Jeff won me and Jeff's girlfriend Jennie lots of stuff from the little claw game things.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 1999

Dinner out without child. Everything above and beyond that is gravy. Good gravy = time at the nearest video arcade.

I got my birthday dinner out...and then we went to the video arcade. I'm 36 and I'm addicted to pinball. It's juvenile and weak and I'll do it again. I finally left because I was bored -- I'd scored too many free games, which only indicates the depth of my addiction.

Anyone got any quarters?

-- Anonymous, September 20, 1999

Big night out? I took my 13-year-old son to see Aerosmith and the Black Crowes two months ago. It was his first big concert and he had the time of his life. So did I.

-- Anonymous, September 20, 1999

Last night the wife and I - along with our friend Christy the Good Witch - went to a gothic thing at a local bar I'd never been to before. The place was cool - it's an old mansion in midtown Memphis that's been converted into a club and is now owned and run by a local oddball celebrity. Lot of eyeliner, black clothes and mopey music. We had a blast.

Of course, getting up for work this morning was a royal bitch, but it was worth it just to think about what the coworkers would think if they saw me wearing eyeliner.

Bela Lugosi? Dead!

Harold wonderland 2 http://home.midsouth.rr.com/wonderland2/

-- Anonymous, September 20, 1999

We don't really have big nights out. We go out to eat all the time. There are hardly any movies I want to see and not many bands we care about. I'd like to go dancing but he won't.

About the biggest nights out we have are when we do go to some kind of live entertainment. I think the last time we did that was when we saw the Squirrel Nut Zippers.

-- Anonymous, September 20, 1999

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