Accuracy of INPs : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I've finally started the long (and boring) job of analyzing the inps which say "TG" beside them.

I started with Zaxxon. Unfortunately either Dave or John (the guy who posted the 311,050 score) used TG settings. Both used the correct number of men (3), but both used the EASY as opposed to the MEDIUM difficulty setting. Since I don't know for certain that the emulator is actually using these dip switches, I'm not going to toss the scores. Obviously the emulator is using the dip switches in most cases, although NEO GEO games appear to be an exception.

What I am doing to do is colour code the games which did use the correct settings, and use a different colour to note that unofficial (e.g. easier) settings were used.

The new TG policy will be to check the accuracy of the INP files by doing a hexadecimal dump of the INP to make sure the settings were correct. In a few cases this will probably not matter. To be as fair to the players as possible, all the existing scores in the INP Gallery will be retained, until beaten by a superior score. No INP file will be accepted without passing this stricter test.

I'll use 3 different colours to note:

1) INP replayed correctly, score verified, but settings not checked 2) checked but easier settings were used (harder settings accepted) 3) fully TG compliant

Even the scores which were "not checked" passed several of the early TG tests including:

Emulation for this game was accurate (no missing sprites etc) INP replayed correctly reported score achieved Correct number of men used

It's a lot of work, so the process will take a while. Additionally I'll be posting fully TG compliant .cfg files for downloading to make it all easier.

-- Mark Longridge (, September 06, 1999


I'll put a little more time in zaxxon this weekend. I would prefer to post a higher score than the one I did. I'll use the TG settings.

BTW: I usually just use default settings. Should I set the TG settings then quit and restart the game are set the settings while recording?

-- Dave Kaupp (, September 10, 1999.

Should work. I did it for tempest. But I did quit after I changed its settings and relaunch (MacMAME).


-- Ken Lui (, September 10, 1999.

I re-recorded zaxxon with hopefully TG settings. Almost got a descent score also. :)

If someone could just verify that I did record it with TG settings, I might give another attempt to get a higher score. If I don't post another score by sunday night that will be my final submission for zaxxon, unless someone gets a higher score of course. ;)

-- Dave Kaupp (, September 11, 1999.

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