psx vcd playback(ntsc) : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Are there any problems with video image on ntsc psx & ntsc tv?

I'm deciding on whether or not i should buy the vcd adapter for PLAYSTATION or buy a pioneer dv-414 dvd player.

If pal vcds can be played on ntsc psx & ntsc tv,i'll buy the adapter.

-- (, August 31, 1999


Depends on the adapter. Some have a switch others do not. Many DVD players can play back VCDs with no problems. My DVD player cuts off the top on PAL VCDs and that only bothers me when I watch Soldier VCD. The other PAL VCDs get cut off too but not by much. So far on other DVD players you will lose some of the bottom off of the picture. Do not buy the adapter(it voids the warranty plus sometimes it is a hassle to use) try to find an autoswitching DVD player like Samsung or an imported all region player. Afterall wouldn't you like to own the Matrix with over an hour's worth of supplements? DVD is the only way to go if you want that.

-- The Lone Ranger (, August 31, 1999.

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