A message from the Past to the presentgreenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Lets us reminicse in the past for a bit. We can all remember the young lady we all referred to as Cc or otherwise known as Classic Case.Well it seems she is the first Exiler to see the Real Wardog00 aka War in the real world. I for one was very excited to see her as well. We had an excellent time. And the great thing about it??? The God of Lag and the Demon of Boot could not touch us!!!!!!!1
We are one up on the Gods!!! Muhahahaahaaa
-- War (werewar@hotmail.com), August 29, 1999
you go DAWGGGGGG!, you go !....yeeeeeee-haaaa!
-- Da' wash (KFGJokerDOC@worldnet.att.net), August 30, 1999.
Hm looks like someone was a little excited?...hehe...damn if War didn't get to tell everyone before me.....go figure..always the last to know...
-- Cc...(Stacey).....Classic_case... (Saint_of_Shadows@excite.com), August 30, 1999.