Need MPEG-1 Editor to Cut and Join mpeg-1 segments : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Mpeg-1 Editor is badly required to edit segments, HELP ME PLEASE....

-- Jason (, August 27, 1999


One s/w that does just what you want and more is VCDCutter, made in China (as most other h/w components inside your PC; sigh...) by someone named Jiao. Can be reached at There is a demo, but allows you to cut out only two clips of 30 secs each. To get the full capabilities, you have to pay him $20. at least...:) After using it please tell me your comments... Thanx

-- Emmanuel Martinez (, August 28, 1999.

Another good one is made by Cinax called iFilmEdit.

-- Jim B (, September 01, 1999.

Dear Sir,

Please send me the MPGE-Editor

Thank You

-- Raj (, February 12, 2001.

please send me mpeg-1 editor

-- umapathy.g (, October 14, 2001.

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