the=DEVIL MADE ME ,DO IT. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

anyone, remember=flip wilson,s ''the devil made me do it joke'' in other word,s=just can,t HELP myself. it seemed so RIGHT at the-time. and furthermore=everyone else is doin-it, so what,s the big--deal? what became of INDIVIDUALISM??? how many have bowed the knee???? is the god--of meme-ism--demanding PAYMENT? IS Y2K=A WAKE-UP call? let,s SEE=we ,re a free-people=free-sex--free-abortion--free to hate- free to -lie--free to--discriminate--free--to--play-dirty-politic,s free to import-demonic=religion,s--free to disrespect-GOD fearing-people=yah we,re FREE-FREE -FREE.

-- seeker. (, August 16, 1999


I think you're on to something here......I just can't figure out what it is.

-- zzzzzzzzz (z@z.z), August 16, 1999.

call me =collect>[Delete--Phone Number--Per Request--Sysop] THANKS ALOT.>AL DRISCOL in new-mexico

oops the devil made me do that!

-- leave this forum (You are @pain in the, August 16, 1999.

CLUE=1 the reverential FEAR=[RESPECT] of GOD is the beggining of=WISDOM.----RESPECT=RESPECT=RESPECT.----Y2K IS A LESSON IN RESPECT. and it,s just the tip of the iceberg. CLUE=2 GODLY-respect & contentment has great=GAIN.

-- a-voice crying-out. (, August 16, 1999.

The necessity of faith in religious life and practice is something the "faithful" take for granted. The "Awakening of Faith" is considered an essential step in Buddhism, and while Zen may be thought of as nonconformist by some, on this point there really can be no disagreement. After all, taking up a practice that leads towards "enlightenment," a state that cannot be known until experienced, implies a faith that such an experience really does exist. Yet faith, as understood in Buddhism, is a very simple thing. It is gentle, flexible, and does not depend upon belief systems. We can see examples of faith like this in operation all around us if we look. It finds expression in a positive and gentle attitude towards life, and is identical with the acceptance that lies at the base of everything positive we do.

-- Richard Noggin (, August 16, 1999.

APATHY=SLOW DEATH.-------CAN WE RISE & BE HEALED?there are condition,s - but no-other WAY.---I REMEMBER time when children=respected-elder,s nieghbor,s respected nieghbor,s--a man,s word was his bond. love of GOD & country meant something.kindness & compassion,we,rnt considered weakness.HUMAN LIFE WAS CONSIDERED=SACRED. we,ve come a long WAY baby. and it ain,t pretty.we cast off the old way,s-thinking to be free, & have become=slaves=to me-my-SELF.

-- watching-us-die. (, August 16, 1999.


-- NOT-SURPRISED. (, August 16, 1999.

Well now if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black all you do is disrespect this forum and you have the gall to complain? Go away and stay gone you are doing more harm than good.

-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), August 16, 1999.

Hello? I have a collect call from Mr. Floyd to Mrs. Floyd, will you accept the charges?

-- Hello? (oper@tor.calling), August 16, 1999.


Equal amounts of Prozac and battery acid, with a JD chaser.

-- The Dogs (are@drunk.too), August 16, 1999.

How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), August 16, 1999.

AND they laughed & mocked-& played the fool=til the FLOOD CAME & SWEPT THEM AWAY.

-- that,s=ok. (, August 16, 1999.

Laughing at Al-d *does not* = Laughing at God.

Get over yourself, Al. YOU are NOT God.

-- Pride (, August 16, 1999.

If this is indeed your phone number, you should e-mail Chuck or Diane Squire to have the post deleted. That was very low, unmatched by any trolls so far.

-- Chris (%$^&^, August 16, 1999.

Another stirring post, Al, you do surely know how to keep a hornet's nest stirred up.

But the low-life who posted your phone number is politely asked to leave the table, I think everyone will agree he/she's not welcome to sit in on the game.

-- Roger (, August 16, 1999.

really ain,t trying to stir hornet,s.but wondering if anyone is getting the BIG-PICTURE.MAYBE IT,S A GENERATION-GAP THING? but i remember a different america. & like someone said you can alway,s ignore me.but i have had some good feedback.there are alot of good hearts here,that,s why i participate. and i think many are feeling the winds of change.

-- 3=al-d. (, August 16, 1999.

Hey, Al:

The BIG PICTURE is beyond human comprehension.

Most can see several brush strokes.

A few perceive rudimentary shapes.

But no one can see the BIG PICTURE until eternity is entered.

-- Randolph (, August 16, 1999.

you are corrrect randolph,=but sure are alot of clues. i think we are THAT=generation, what do you say? is it just me? or does everything seem to be speeding-up? more has happened in last 50 years,than in all ages past. i sense in my-spirit=a biggee in 2003.

-- peeking=IN. (, August 16, 1999.

As the Great Mind dIEteR once said:

tHE BiG pICtURe??? yES??? Is It nOT ToO bIG FoR yOuR InFIdeL's aMeABa bRaINS tO gRAsP??? nO??? YeS??? yEs!!! jACkAls!!! dON't StIR dIEter FRoM hIS sLEeP!! lARge bRAInS nEEd EteRNAl sLUMbeR!!!

...or I think he said that...

-- Chris (%$^&^, August 16, 1999.

al-d: Am I free to kick your ass into the next universe?

-- Feller (, August 17, 1999.

Feller, it would be pretty funny if you had to go home to your Mama to tell her that old Al-D slapped a hair-lip on your no-longer pretty-boy face.

-- Trying not to (laugh_@Your_melon-head.mush!), August 17, 1999.


Yes, we are in the last generation.


If DIEter has such a large brain, then why did he misspell "amoeba"?

-- Randolph (, August 17, 1999.

DIeTeR dID nOT spEll amOEbA aS AMaEBa!!!!!! jaCKaL!!!!

plUS!!!! HyeNA, aNY MIssPELLinGS frOM diETer ARe duE To leaRNinG YoUR INsipID eaRTHliNG SPokEn anD SpeLLeD COmunICAtiON metHOdS, aRE thEY NoT????? diETeR Is nOT wELL praCTIcED In TheSE priMATiVE wAYs oF THouGHT trANsfeRaL, cAN Not YouR MinD ENcompaSS ThIS NotiON??????? alSO!!! mR exTInCT!!!! dIETeR's hUMAN hoST At tIMEs aTTEMptS To aSSERt auTHorITY oVeR DIetER's coNTRoL!!!! tHAt iS WHy aNY SUcH FOoLisHNeSS ESCapeS frOM OuR MeldED BeiNG!!!!!

foOLisH ToAD!!!!

waS nOT liFE simPLEr fOR dIETer BEfoRE diETeR EMerGEd GLoriOUSlY fROM hIS PoD????? oF COurSE!!!!!!

-- Dieter (, August 17, 1999.

I was paraphrasing dIeTEr, misspellings are mine.

While you're up DiEter, wouldn't you agree that amoeba miss the big picture of what you say because they lazer-focus on irrelevant points such as spelling and font/sentence structures? Is Al-D from your planet?

-- Chris (%$^&^, August 17, 1999.

nEIn!!!!NeIN!!!! aL-dENTe Is FRoM YoUR PLanEt ALoNE!!!!! wHy caNNoT YoU UNdeRSTaND THaT FOoLIShneSS SUcH AS tHIs cOMEs onLY fROm huMAnS?????? dO NOt mOCk DIetEr!!!!! jACkaL!!!!

-- Dieter (, August 17, 1999.

I know I'm at an advanced stage of y2k burnout when:

I click on al-D threads to see if Dieter has descended for a visit.

-- jor-el (jor-el@krypton.uni), August 17, 1999.

You! Yes you! Stand still laddie!

-- Another reference (, August 17, 1999.

dIeTEr, O Most Enlightened Being and Generous Dispencer of Knowledge, please don't yell at me, you hurt my feelings! :`( I'm just trying to understand what you understand and separate myself from jackals and infidels :`(

Do you have any spare brain cells for me?

-- Chris (%$^&^, August 17, 1999.

yOu CAnnOT SEparATe yOuRseLF FRoM infIDELs aND skULLmucKERisH FooLs!!!!! HyeNA!!!! siLENcE!!!! siLENcE Of thE MomENt imMedIAtE!!!!! tHiS Is nOT THe chOIcE Of diETeR, dO YoU Not kNOW tHIs??????? iN TIme YoUR PoD wILL arRIVe LiTtLe oNE, uNTiL THeN silENcE!!!!! lEAvE dIETEr'S BrAIn alONe!!!!!!! It Is lEAkinG!!!!!! OOooHHhhH THe pAin!!!! THe PAIn!!!!!!!OOOOooooOooooOOOHHhHhhHhhhh!!!!!!!!!

-- Dieter (, August 17, 1999.

Chris, I didn't mean to open a can of WIgGLinG diETer WOrmS.

-- Randolph (, August 17, 1999.

Don't worry Randolf, you didn't. By invoking his name I got the wIGglY wOrM outta da...pod ;-) All the same Randolf, pay attention closely to what he says...

-- Chris (%$^&^, August 17, 1999.

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