CT sending me to school(OSHA)!greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
I'll be out of town for a while since the State of Connecticut is springing for a trip to Manchester, New Hampshire! I'm attending a class at the OSHA east coast headquarters!(CAN'T WAIT) I hope I pass the test, or I'll be unable to face my Warden. Maybe I'll see you guys back on line around the 26th & 27th of August. I have never asked before, but...please WISH ME LUCK!(representing the Dept. of Corrections and State of CT), little nervous here!lolololol...cya
-- Da' wash (KFGJokerDOC@worldnet.att.net), August 14, 1999
Ok..ok.....Good Luck Wash.....you're gonna need it....LOLJust kidding. I'm sure they picked the best man for the job.....or maybe they just wanted to get rid of you for a bit???
See ya when you get back.....~~smile~~
-- Sunflower Girl (sunflowergirl1@excite.com), August 14, 1999.
LOl hon you don't need luck you will do great
-- jamais1 (jamais@airmail.net), August 14, 1999.
i'm with jam..you wont need luck! you'll do great. have fun wash. we'll miss you around here. teach em a thing or two. lol.
-- noelle (medea1968@hotmail.com), August 16, 1999.
Best of luck Wash! It's not always an easy thing to get and stay enthusiastic about OSHA training, but it should pay off at some point. And unlike some folks hereabouts, I am a firm believer that luck matters....so I hope you have good luck at the very least. Joe
-- joyousguarde (orpheus48@hotmail.com), August 21, 1999.
Heeeyyyy.... i turn my back for three seconds and everyone flies the coop, whats up with that??? ok ok.. so it was a week.. but still.... Wash... i send hopes of great sucess and calm peaceful rest for you, now and always. see you soon. dessy
-- desdra (sparklz101@hotmail.com), August 22, 1999.