Non-standard CD-R video to play on a DVD player? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi,Is there any way to use video compression parameters better than those of standard Video CD that would still be compatible with current DVD players?
For example, can a MPEG 2 (instead of the standard MPEG 1) file be recorded on a CD-R and be readable by DVD players? I realize that recording time will probably be pretty short (20 minutes?) - but that is about as long as a home video can be before it becomes really boring anyway :-)
AFAIK ATI All-In Wonder 128 will record MPEG 2 on a reasonably fast PC. Is that file going to be playable on standalone DVD players ?
Many thanks
-- Alex Karasev (, August 09, 1999
It can be done and you will end up with a SVCD that can not be read on any DVD players. Sorry.
-- The Lone Ranger (, August 09, 1999.
One thing you can do, is to capture the mpeg1 files at a much higher rate than the Whitebook standard. This has to be done on a per DVD player basis. I was able to capture all the way up to 2100 kbps and my player would play it ok, anything higher than that would make my player freeze every few seconds... Of course you also need to find a CD Burning program that will allow you to put non-whitebook-standard mpg files into a VCD. There's a version out there of NTI CD Maker (It came with my Memorex 1622 CDR drive) that will only chech if the files are valid mpeg1 files, without checking for Whitebook compliance.Good luck.
-- Gil (, August 12, 1999.
Thank you for the reply. By "much higher rate", do you mean merely lower compression, or can I increase the raster size (i.e. frame resolution) beyond standard as well?Thank you
-- Alex Karasev (, August 17, 1999.