C of Ga Express cars / C of Ga tank cars

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I'm looking for any photos of mentioned items...would like to model them in HO scale, but so far have not had much luck. Todd Horton pointed me to some possibilities in the Arcadia C of GA book, but I need some broadside and end shots of the express cars and at least broadside shots of the tankcars. Any help is greatly appreciated. I will be setting up at the August 14,1999 Atlanta RR collectibles and model train show, so if you plan to come let me know and we could possibly exchange info.

Robert Yancey

-- Robert Yancey (xxcrossing@aol.com), August 04, 1999


Unfortunately, that tank car was scrapped. The owners of the property where it was sitting just happened to decide to scrap the car the same weekend of the 2001 annual meeting. We came by and saw the shocking deed in progress. See


Ron. Wright Web Site Manager, CGRHS

-- Ron. Wright (ron@cofg.org), February 10, 2003.

Hi Robert, I think there was a CofG tank car in Savannah, GA near a industrial area near the Savannah River. I'm not sure if it is or not. It's a very old tank. Hope I helped, Jason

-- Jason Castine (MultivortexF5@hotmail.com), February 08, 2003.

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