"Blast from the Past" Contest Anyone?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

The following threads are terrific.

Economic blasts from the past

Pearl Harbor Blasts from the Past

Anybody else have some famous "blasts from the past" quotes/stories that have to do with engineering disasters that could have been avoided were it not financially or politically inadvisable for someone to order that steps be taken to "fix the problem" or mitigate the potential damage if something went wrong? Examples: The Titanic (Not enough life-boats because the ship was "unsinkable.") Space Shuttle Challenger (The decision to launch despite potential problems with O-rings) Ford Boiler Explosion (Employees had been warning for months about problems and potential danger) The Kansas City Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse (construction firm was ignored by client when it asked to re-examine the building for safety after an earlier, small collapse). Any more of these out there?

-- historyteacher (looking@for.parallels), July 19, 1999


If I recall correctly, the Johnstown Flood was caused by safety violations at the upstream dam. I think the overflow-pipe was removed as a cost-saving measure, so when the water got too high it went over the dam itself instead of down the overflow pipe.

-- me (a@b.c), July 19, 1999.

Original blast links?

Economic blasts from the past

Pearl Harbor Blasts from the Past

-- linky (linky@linky.poo), July 19, 1999.

"Oh, no radiation was released. You don't have to worry about that" -- Spokesperson for the Metropolitan Edison Company, reassuring Robert Reid(mayor of middletown, penn) after teh mayor was first informed of an accident at the company's Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant, March 28, 1979

---There have been no recordings of any significant levels of radiation and none are expected outside the plant. The reactor is being cooled according to design by the reactor cooling system and should be cooled by the end of the day" -- Statement issued by the metropolitan Edison Company, March 28, 1979

Within hours of the statements quoted about, a helicopter operated by pennsylvania's department of environmental resources flew over the trheemile island plant and detected that there had indeed been a "release of radiation into the envirionment"

-- SuperLurker (Slf@yahoo.com), July 19, 1999.

Just to remind, optmists and pessimists have both been wrong. Compliments of Central Predicting:

Famous (Bad) Predictions

"Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" --H.M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927.

"I'm just glad it'll be Clark Gable who's falling on his face and not Gary Cooper." --Gary Cooper on his decision not to take the leading role in "Gone With The Wind."

"A cookie store is a bad idea. Besides, the market research reports say America likes crispy cookies, not soft and chewy cookies like you make." --Response to Debbi Fields' idea of starting Mrs. Fields' Cookies.

"We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." --Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.

"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. --Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895.

"Drill for oil? You mean drill into the ground to try and find oil? You're crazy! --Drillers who Edwin L. Drake tried to enlist to his project to drill for oil in 1859.

"Professor Goddard does not know the relation between action and reaction and the need to have something better than a vacum against which to react. He seems to lack the basic knowledge ladled out daily in high schools. --1921 New York Times editorial about Robert Goddard's revolutionary rocket work.

"Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau... --Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics, Yale University, 1929.

"Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value. --Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecol Superieure de Guerre.

"Everything that can be invented has been invented. --Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899.

"Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction". --Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872

"The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will forever be shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon". --Sir John Eric Ericksen, British surgeon, appointed Surgeon- Exraordinary to Queen Victoria 1873.

"If I had thought about it, I wouldn't have done the experiment. The literature was full of examples that said you can't do this." --Spencer Silver on the work that led to the unique adhesives for 3-M "Post-It" Notepads.

"But what ... is it good for?" --Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip.

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. --Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977

"This telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us. --Western Union internal memo, 1876.

"The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" --David Sarnoff's associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s.

"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." --Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." --Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943

"I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and walked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year." --The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957

"The concept is interesting and well-fomed, but in order to earn better than a C, the idea must be feasible." --A Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith's paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. (Smith went on to found Federal Epress Corp.)

"So we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.' And they said, 'No.' So then e went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, 'Hey, we don't need you. You haven't got through college yet. --Apple Computer Inc. founder Steve Jobs on attempts tc get Atari and H-P interested in his and Steve Wo.niak's personal computer.

"You want to have consistent and uniform muscle development across all of your muscles? It can't be done. It's just a fact of life. You just have to accept inconsistent muscle development as an unalterable condition of weight training. --Response to Arthur Jones, who solved the "unsolvable" problem by inventing Nautilus.

640K ought to be enough for anybody. -- Bill Gates, President of Microsoft, 1981

-- Mr. Decker (kcdecker@worldnet.att.net), July 19, 1999.

ah yes, but when optimists(people saying nothing is wrong, don't worry) miss (pearl harbor) , people DIE.

when pessimists miss, people miss out on things.

would you rather miss out, or die?

-- SuperLurker (Slfsl@yahoo.com), July 19, 1999.

Hundreds of people commited suicide right before the year 1000 becuase they thought TWAWKI was about to become TEO. Dozens of others sewed themsleves into their death shrouds because they were so convinced death was near.

Obviously they were wrong.

But that's okay it won't stop people from burying themselves under mountains of rice and beans waiting for TEOTWAWKI all over again. Maybe even some will die of strokes/heart attacks because of the stress they feel as the year 2000 approaches.

One can always hope anyway.

-- (doomers@suck.com), July 19, 1999.

' What do you mean, Use a long iron? I've got many strokes to play with and win this thing. Give me my driver, I say.'

Frenchy La Stupid....The last hole of the British Open, 1999.

-- For (your@info.com), July 19, 1999.

doomers -

Can you cite your source(s) for those "pre-Y1K suicides"? I've seen them mentioned a few times elsewhere, but I've yet to see anyone cite sources, if any. Lacey and Danziger's very enjoyable The Year 1000 doesn't document much widespread pre-millennial fear within the general populace, but did find some very serious concerns and debate within the clerical and secular intelligentsia of the time about the date itself, when to mark the start of Christ's ministry, and of course whether the "thousand years" in the Bible was to be taken literally.

The majority of people of that time seem to have been too busy taking care of harvest and their winter "preps" to worry too much about the "end of days" and such.

-- Mac (sneak@lurk.hid), July 19, 1999.

It's breezy, but Van Doren's "History of Knowledge" touches upon the pre-1000 hysteria. It's a great read. Do you want more detailed sources?


-- Mr. Decker (kcdecker@worldnet.att.net), July 19, 1999.


This site might be of help -


The Year 1000: Apocalyptic Year Extraordinaire? or A Year Like Any Other?

It is a common for anyone contemplating the year 2000 to ask about what happened in the year 1000. The answer is complex (as it will be for 2000) and complicated by the fact that so few documents from that time survive, only a fraction of which are originals and not later copies. Moreover, depending on the medievalist you consult, you will get radically different answers. Most will tell you that there were few apocalyptic expectations and that it was a year like any other; some (like Johannes Fried, Benjamin Arnold, Daniel Callahan, Guy Lobrichon, and Richard Landes) will tell you that a great deal happened in the way of apocalyptic expectations. The debate, after having been "settled" for over a century in favor of those who feel that an apocalytpic year 1000 is a Romantic myth, has just recently been re-opened, and it is hard to tell where the next generation of medievalists will find their consensus. The Center has recently sponsored a conference on the subject, and plans to edit a book of essays that examine the apocalyptic elements of European culture around 1000. In the meantime, while the experts wrangle, we present the following material as a guide to a wide range of readers -- from the curious layman to the most highly trained scriptorium rat.

Links to the following are provided at the site -

Apocalyptic Expectations around the Year 1000 (a brief overview by Richard Landes)


Dossier of Apocalyptic Phenomena in the Millennial Generations (950-1040)

Documents of the Millennial Generation

The Apocalyptic Year 1000: Then and Now (a longer article on the Year 1000 for a general audience by Richard Landes)

Giants With Feet of Clay: On the Historiography of the Year 1000 (a lengthy article for scholars on the flaws of the "Anti-terrors" argument by Richard Landes)

-- Old Git (anon@spamproblems.com), July 19, 1999.

Many thanks, friends. I'd seen Landes quoted elsewhere, but nothing from him or anyone else in much detail about "The Terrors". The mille.org site does rather validate my sense that the stories about pre-Y1K suicides and such are still a topic of much debate, and not the absolute fact implied by our friend "doomers".

-- Mac (sneak@lurk.hid), July 20, 1999.

If I may elaborate on on historyteacher's example of the Titanic: The ship met the British regulations of the time; the number of lifeboats was not simply a decision taken by the White Star Line. I believe the idea was that if a ship of that type of construction got into trouble, it would sink slowly enough for the lifeboats to be used to ferry the passengers to another ship. (Perhaps the builders could make a distinction, however small, between "virtually unsinkable" and "completely unsinkable.") And the ship did sink slowly, but not slowly enough for a rescue vessel to arrive in time.

When the Lusitania was torpedoed during World War I, it did have enough lifeboats, but the ship sank in about twenty minutes, not enough time to launch all of the boats. Also, the ship listed to one side, and the boats on the opposite side couldn't be launched. So even with the precautions learned from the Titanic, nearly 1,200 people lost their lives.

From the Titanic we learn that human beings often don't have the "answers" until a disaster makes them visible. From the Lusitania we can see how the answers themselves are not foolproof, but only a step towards further refinement - although perhaps there is never an absolute gurantee. I suspect that for computer networks, the results of Y2K, whatever they may be, will provide only the first set of answers to come.

-- Paul DiMaria (p_dimaria@hotmail.com), July 20, 1999.

These are wonderful responses, but is it possible to list sources for the above quotes and provide more of the same? Surely there must be more examples out there!


-- historyteacher (looking@for.parallels), July 20, 1999.

What I think is so instructive about what happened with the Titanic is how, at not one but several points, a different action could have resulted in less deaths. Here's an excerpt from an article written in 1998 about the Titanic and about Y2K. The compliance figures are, of course, dated, but the examples of multiple errors that were made-- anyone one of which could have mitigated the loss of life--are worth reading...

[Fair Use: For Educational/Research Purposes Only]



By Warren S. Reid

Because of the blockbuster movie, much is being said about the ill- fated inaugural voyage of the Titanic, which sank in the North Atlantic in 1912.

Here we had the technological marvel of its age, the largest, most luxurious ship built up to that time -- the unsinkable Titanic. Still, on the night of April 14, 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank in the unforgiving and icy waters of the North Atlantic, claiming 1,523 of her passengers. The ship traveled with a mere 20 lifeboats. The 20th century was still new, and yet there was an unreasonable, almost unquestioned acceptance of new technology and its ability to make life easier and better.

Just How Unsinkable Was the Titanic?

Going beyond the Titanic's hype, we know that some ships built even 50 years earlier were, in fact, much stronger and more unsinkable. Ships such as the Great Eastern, a mammoth liner, had a double hull, higher bulkheads, two longitudinal as well as 15 latitudinal bulkheads, which together made as many as 45-50 watertight compartments; furthermore, these bulkheads had no doors in them.

The Titanic on the other hand, had only a single hull, so there would be more space available for the first-class passenger amenities. There were only latitudinal watertight bulkheads, 15 in all for the entire ship (yielding 16 compartments). The bulkhead tops were comparatively lower then Great Eastern's. There were also doors in many of these bulkheads, to allow waiters and valets quicker access to their charges. (It is important to note that many of these doors were opened as the ship was sinking, in order to allow the pumps to work, but also allowing even more water in as a result).

What is most interesting about the Titanic are the lessons learned from this tragedy, and how these can help us to better prepare us for the Year 2000 Computer Crises. The catastrophe of the Titanic was not so much in its sinking, as it was in the loss of well over 1,500 innocent lives.


I believe the catastrophe could have been avoided at three different times:

* Before the ship struck the iceberg;

* After the ship struck the iceberg, but was still afloat;

* After the ship sank.

Like the Titanic, the year 2000 crisis also has three different points in time of avoidance or minimization of catastrophic results:

* Now (i.e., before the first waves of Year 2000 failures occur);

* On Jan. 1, 2000;

* And during the 18-24 months after that date.

During each of these time frames, it is possible to minimize the potential disastrous impact of y2k on your organizations and our lives; it is important to realize that the damage will be worse the longer you wait.

In this article, I hope to allow you and me to peer into the terrible yet avoidable circumstances and mistakes that caused the Titanic cataclysm, so that you may better navigate similar icebergs on your own Year 2000 horizon -- and steer clear.

I will attempt to ferret out the hype and myth from the reality surrounding these calamities. Lastly, I will present a series of "icebergs" that your "Corporate Year 2000 Ship" must skipper in order to weather the Year 2000 storm.

I believe that while most of the iceberg lies hidden underwater, and big chunks of "ice" may fall in your path at any time, knowing where the potential dangers lie and what you can do about it should help you better steer your course, stay afloat, and allow you to reach your destination.


Before the crash

Before the Titanic ever struck the iceberg, it had received a total of seven iceberg warnings from other ships' wires. These warnings (all coming within 24 hours of the event), indicated that the Titanic's particular route posed abnormally high risks, due to an exceptionally cold winter and the presence of atypical ice flows.

The last warning was not even delivered to the ship's captain, so he wouldn't be disturbed while entertaining passengers. These risks were ignored and not managed.

So too, many executives and even CIOs have ignored the press, and consistent warnings of impending doom from industry pundits, experts, television, magazines, radio, video tapes, conferences, newspapers, my son's Junior High school newspaper -- almost everywhere. In 1998, some of the early failures have become popularized and related to false expirations of loans, magazine subscriptions, credit cards, etc.

However, most companies still do not believe that this crisis will affect them, or are otherwise paralyzed from moving. Numerous respectable surveys show that fewer than 15% of all companies in the United States are beyond the awareness and planning phases!

It is simply too late to first become aware and plan for Y2k in mid- 1998. The only hope (the only possible "silver bullet") will be contingency plans that will allow companies to muddle through in the year 2000 and 2001, while they get the rest of their act together.

There still are some who claim that it is a "non-event", meant to create work for consultants and lawyers. Unbelievably, there are others who are convinced Bill Gates will not let the industry sink and that he will provide the silver bullet at the last moment.

A psychological attitude of massiveness, safety, and pleasure in the day's activities pervaded the Titanic and its passengers. No real thought was ever given to the possibility of tragedy or other common maritime calamity.

Many, if not most, company executives today still believe "It cannot happen to us", or "how hard can it be?" The mix of "unsinkability" still is alive within such companies. They believe computers have always worked even though they frequently had some problems. Staff or consultants always have been able to address those problems, even in production.

This denial of the reality and immensity of the year 2000 problem -- and its ability to impact all systems, PCs, embedded chips, telecommunications and infrastructure -- is simply denied.

No boat drills ever took place on the Titanic that would have allowed the passengers and crew to practice the procedures to follow in the event of a crash or need to evacuate.

Likewise, virtually no companies as of today have a fully documented, tested, and communicated contingency plan that outlines the steps, procedures, logistics, systems, and people necessary to keep the company going in the event that mission-critical systems are severely impacted or are not Year 2000-compliant in time.

Trying to decide if a ship is sinking is clearly not the best time to strategize and execute a plan! The Titanic carried only 20 lifeboats (including four smaller inflatable lifeboats). These lifeboats, even if fully loaded, couldn't hold 50% of the passengers. That's NOT a contingency plan! However if the ship is "unsinkable," why worry?

You worry because with so much at stake, it is critical to plan for the unexpected! Yet many companies today are afraid or unwilling to accept that the Year 2000 fix can, and in many cases, will require huge resources in dollars, outsourcing, facilities, tools, management, planning, doubling up staff to implement concurrent contingency plans and remediation efforts.

For instance, why are some more progressive banks and companies budgeting $250 million to $500 million while other similarly situated companies are budgeting only $20 million to $40 million? Which group is heading for the Y2K iceberg?

The Titanic's crew was not privy to the evacuation/load performance test results before the ship was launched. These tests, performed months earlier, proved that the Titanic's lifeboats (based on the Titanic's mechanics, divots and lowering units) could be safely and fully loaded (60-65 persons) before lowering away. This becomes terribly important later when in fact the crew ordered several boats to lower away half loaded (or less), for fear that the boats might otherwise break off and crash into the sea.

Just how many test results, and systems and operations limitations are being communicated today to company users and operators of systems, so that they will fully appreciate the limits they can expect from their systems when Year 2000 comes?

A nearby ship, the Californian, within line of sight (approximately 16 miles away), actually tried to send a message to the Titanic to alert it, prior to the time it stuck the iceberg. The Titanic's own wireless office, in a very atypical message, replied "Shut-up, shut- up" and wouldn't accept the message.

The Titanic's operators were sending greetings from its passengers to the shore and did not want to be disturbed. The Californian's wireless operator then went to sleep, which was normal in the year 1912 (there was no requirement for a 24-hour wireless monitor). The Californian did not realize the Titanic was in trouble until several hours after the Titanic sank and the Carpathia was finishing retrieving survivors.

This parallel to the Year 2000 crisis is striking. At first many CIOs clamored for board of directors support, but many boards would not or did not want to hear to hear bad news, high-impact problems and requests for crushing budgets. Now, however, boards are clamoring for more information about the Year 2000 icebergs but the CIOs, technologists, and consultants have yet to finish accurate and complete assessments. Who is asleep now?

Afloat after the crash

After the Titanic first struck the iceberg, she sank within a couple of hours. Frantic calls for help were responded to by many, but the nearest responding ship was almost five hours away. By then, approximately 1,500 passengers would freeze to death (not drown) in the North Atlantic waters waiting for rescue.

Unfortunately, the Californian was asleep at the wheel with an unattended radio and provided no help and saved no lives.

As of Mid-1998, more than 50% of companies surveyed by prestigious pollsters and researchers including Andersen Consulting, Howard Rubin, Capers Jones, the Gartner Group and others have not even completed their Y2K assessment phase.

Frantic calls for help to overworked consultants (who are unable to give guarantees in any event) have created backlogs of requests. The Big 6 accounting firms announced in July 1998 that they are all getting out of the Year 2000 remediation business because of time constraints, staffing conflicts (one said Y2K "work is boring and provides no growth for its staff"), and potential litigation.

In some industries such as entertainment, competitors are actually joining forces to help each other share systems solutions. Similarly, companies in the securities industry are also participating in cooperative efforts. Yet, in many cases even if you can get help, it will be too late to make the Jan. 1, 2000, cut-off date.

Thus contingency and degraded interim systems will have to be employed to keep the organization afloat and alive until the real remediation systems (the rescue ships) arrive.

The Titanic was unprepared for the disaster. Because of the lack of testing and communication, many passengers were at first instructed to go down to "B-deck" to board the lifeboats. After herding them down, the captain realized that the boats must launch from "A-deck" because of recent glass paneling enclosures that were put in to keep passengers warmer. They all had to return to "A-deck" from where the lifeboats were actually launched - after losing precious time.

Many companies are still losing precious time trying to determine what the best tool or methodology is to launch their assessment and remediation efforts. These companies should just settle on one of the better tools in each category (scanners, parsers, capture playback tools, test bed and test suite tools, test data generators and comparators) and get started!

Some start, then change, and then change again. No one vendor has the corner on the market. And no one tool will do it all. So start now and get the benefits that each can bring by automating some of the process, now!

The belief of "unsinkability" proved to be a continuing problem on the Titanic as well. When the ship struck the iceberg, passengers exhibited no fear, sought no haste, and gave no importance to the incident -- still believing the ship "unsinkable." This false belief proved even deadlier as time went on, because passengers refused to board the lifeboats. They exclaimed, "Why risk our lives in the cold and freezing Atlantic adrift in a tiny dark lifeboat, when we are already on this warm and safe 'unsinkable' ship?" The belief in the ship's hype, and the disbelief that such a tragedy could happen to oneself personally, cost many lives.

The later it gets the more some companies today believe that they missed the boat and become further paralyzed. Get off it! Do what you can now! Sell off parts of your business if you must. Simplify your product lines; outsource certain capabilities; change the fundamental way you do business to buy time while remediating your systems. The key is to save as many of your company's assets, customers, suppliers, contracts, relationships, competitive advantage situations as possible, until the time the remediated or replacement systems become available.

Ad hoc and unrehearsed plans also caused loss of life on the Titanic. For instance, the crews on the half-empty lifeboats (that were lowered prematurely for fear of toppling the boat during lowering) were instructed (ordered) to immediately row to one of several designated gangplanks to pick up more of the passengers to fill the life boats.

Testimony shows that no single passenger was picked up from a gangplank once the boats were lowered. The lifeboat survivors, afraid of being swamped by others, continued to move away from the sinking Titanic. The inter-dependency of each group to the other in the chain was broken; the main crew, the staff lowering the lifeboats, the crews in the lifeboats, the passengers remaining on the ship and the panicked passengers in the water never really appreciated their inter- dependency -- and their need to work together -- costing yet more lives.

Other important rules were not followed, or not known. The starboard side crew followed a "women and children first" rule, allowing male passengers on to a lifeboat that had available space when no more women or children were available. The port side crew, however, practiced a "women and children only" rule. This meant that, on the port side, once a wife and child got into a lifeboat, even if there was still room left and the husband or an older brother were ready and waiting, they would not be allowed to board the lifeboat.

I see a similar misapplication of corporate and information technology rules such as the "triage rule." This rule usually calls for: (1) mission-critical applications and utilities to be worked on first, (2) other less critical systems to deferred temporarily, and (3) still others to be abandoned altogether. With time running out, however, many companies are only planning time and resources for the first group.

But, the truth is that time must also be spent on working with the less-important systems to assure that these don't inadvertently corrupt the "fixed system" with bad or ambiguous dates. Importantly, systems that will be abandoned must be stopped in a planned and careful manner so that their former users can still get their work done without these systems. Just think how your work day would be affected if I took some of your desktop systems away on Jan. 1, 2000, without warning, re-training, or giving you other means to get the tools, data and information you need to do your job.

The Titanic sank with only 12 square feet of its total area damaged by the iceberg (a few inches wide but for some 200 feet long). So little was ruptured, significantly less than 1% -- but in all the "right" places! Had the Titanic struck the iceberg 15 seconds earlier or 15 seconds later, some experts say catastrophe very likely would have been avoided. Moments earlier, an impact would have allowed the Titanic to strike the iceberg head-on and likely would have resulted in flooding to only 1 or 2 compartments at most. An impact 15 seconds later would have hit the ship further back (or almost not at all) and destroyed at most 3 bulkheads (or 4 watertight compartments) -- a rupture the Titanic could have withstood.

The Year 2000 project is an insidious bug requiring meticulous remediation. In systems that handle thousands or millions of transactions per day (or more) even a less-than-1% error can mean hundreds, thousands or even more errors made daily. If you are "lucky," your systems will fail fully so that at least you know you have a problem. If you are not so "lucky" it will take longer for your files to be corrupted slowly. Rebuilding them can be a mammoth effort in many environments.

After the ship sank

All of the lifeboats except one refused to return to help other passengers in the freezing water onto their lifeboats, for fear of capsizing their small vessels. Only six passengers of the 1,500 in the water were saved in this manner. Most survivors lived with that guilt for the rest of their lives.

The Year 2000 analogy again is that not enough companies are assisting or otherwise obtaining compliance assurances from their partners, to guarantee the ongoing flow of goods, supplies, services and money. A company cannot just sail forward into the sunset on its own. It must stay/go back, and carry along with it those other critical organizations that allow it to continue to survive and thrive. It must share its Y2K plans, know-how, secrets, staff, resources with those partners that are not as far along or are unable to do it on their own. What good is surviving if your suppliers can no longer supply you, or your vendors are out of business? What if your customers can't pay because of non-compliant systems that don't allow them to collect their own receivables? What if you lack your key contracts? We can only survive if we help others, and stay in synchronization with their solutions and challenges.

It seems that just as the lifeboats never returned to pick up passengers, we in management and information technology are not learning from our mistakes, either. We seem not to have learned that virtually all non-trivial systems fail and have "bugs." We seem to have forgotten that it always takes longer to develop a system than we originally plan.

More than 80% of all large projects are either behind schedule, over- budget, or lack intended functionality. We forget that new technologies and tools themselves contain "bugs" and errors, and oftentimes a high learning curve. We forget that our "fixes" will introduce still new errors. (Like in Russian Roulette, changes made to short 50-line program modules typically result in one out of six of those modules having a new error introduced during the correction process.)

Lastly, according to international maritime rule in 1912, rockets fired high up into the air that burst and came apart like "flying candles," constituted signals for help that must not go ignored. For reasons that are still unclear (after their testimony at the subsequent hearings), the Californian misinterpreted those rockets as "party rockets" and therefore never came to the aid of the Titanic.

It is unclear what boards and management must be thinking by ignoring the SEC rules and requirements to adequately disclose Year 2000 problems and efforts in 10K, 10Q, and 8K filings. Most companies included dismal boilerplate disclosures, or half-disclosures, or no disclosure within their March 1998 SEC filings. Ignoring truthful -- even potentially blockbuster disclosures -- won't stop the fireworks; instead, it will more likely blow up in their faces and potentially lead to more litigation, more jobs lost, and more lost investments.

There's a lot that can be learned, about the hype of unsinkability and infallibility, but it's not consistent with history. And those who refuse to learn from history, are doomed to relive it.

In another look at the "women first" lesson, it is still amazing to me that most companies who are developing plans and budgets still have not adopted and communicated standards, methodologies, and a project office that they intend to follow throughout the year 2000 remediation, including techniques and procedures for developing and testing contingency plans.

With no well-developed and/or well-communicated directives and standards in place, different solutions implemented throughout the company may never work together, and will cost much more in dollars.


[snip to end]

-- Linkmeister (link@librarian.edu), July 20, 1999.


A very interesting article. It shows that all complex technologies (be they ships or computer networks) share certain principles. A couple of additional comments:

I didn't realize that the Great Eastern had such an elaborate bulkhead system (what we might call "redundancy" today). For most of history seafarers understood that sailing was hazardous and the power of the sea had to be respected. The builders of the Great Eastern lived near the end of the age of sail-powered, wooden hulled ships and probably understood these hazards. When they built an iron, steam-powered ship, they did all they could to make it safe. The builders of the Titanic, however, had several decades of experience with the new steamship technology, and they seem to have been over- confident in its abilities.

This reminds me of earlier generations of Americans who lived through the Depression and World War II. These people understood that unexpected perils had to be prepared for. The generations who came of age later, however, seem to have an unwarranted confidence in the strengths of high technology and the global economy.

Also, the Titanic was only one of several major steamship disasters that occurred early in this century. There was also the Empress of Ireland (collision with another ship), the General Slocum (fire), and the Eastland (ship capsized at its dock). And during World War I, submarine attacks proved that war at sea was more dangerous than ever.

Today shipping during peacetime is safer than it ever was before, but it took more than one disastrous experience to gain the knowledge required for this. In a similiar way, modern society will have to deal with multiple challenges soon: Y2K, global warming, shrinking oil supplies, weapons of mass destruction. Another cycle of history, a time of trials and uncertainty, must occur before we can reach the next period of stability.

-- Paul DiMaria (p_dimaria@hotmail.com), July 20, 1999.

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