Chip is coming to KS!!! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Through many a troubled times and months, Chip and I are finnally going to be together for more than a weeks time. Come July 30th I am flying out to CA to pack her up and together we're going to drive back to KS. 30+ hours in three days won't be a problem when love is behind the wheel!!! Just thought I'd let all the crazy cool Exiler's know what's up, and that we both promise to stop by in Exile on occasion to keep the good times rolling!

*does elvish victory dance* Love does have a magic to it, ya know?!

Drizzt of Exile

-- Drizzt of Exile (, July 11, 1999


*HUG* I cannot think of a more suited couple than the two I have learned to love so much here in vp. I am SO happy for yu both, and wish you all the brightest and best, for your new future together.

*BUNCHES of hugs and kisses to you both*

-- Lee (, July 12, 1999.

luck to you both, may you never experience the side of net love i have. takes you high leaves you low. work hard, be honest, things will be ok.

-- blz (, July 12, 1999.

That's the best news! I'm glad you'll finally be together. I hope you two will be very, very happy. Talk to you soon! : )

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, July 12, 1999.

OHHH how very exciting!!!! Thank you for proving once again that net love can and does work! Good luck to the both of you. And Congrats! Hugs and kisses, tamm

-- tammae_27 (, July 13, 1999.

Honey, you are simply too adorable. *smile* See you in a few weeks! Love always, Chipper

-- Chipgirl (, July 14, 1999.

Such wonderful news for u guys I do hope you have all that Phoenix and I have found. But knowing Chip as I do you will. Give our love to her Nix asks after her often and often looks for her. So congrates guys and good luck and safe trip.

-- Danni and Chris Simmons (, July 15, 1999.

Congrats!!! Well deserved happiness to you ..:)

love Jai

-- Jaizee (, July 16, 1999.

Danni!! Happosai!!!!! I haven't heard from you in the longest time. So glad you're still happy and healthy together. Hope to see you someday! Love and hugs, Chip

-- Chipgirl (, July 22, 1999.

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