It's my naughty_angel_14... Ok I'm lookin for people that used to know me cause you all were : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hi... alright if ya knew me please e-mail me... I miss all of you sooooooooooooo much. hehe you know who you are that I absolutly loved to pieces... ok im done
-- Krista (, July 10, 1999
I'm wondering if I am really outta the loop er something because I have no idea who this person is....I'm sorry if I do know you and I'm not realizing this...but where have I been!? I've been slacking off obviousally!..hehehe
-- Megiano (, July 11, 1999.
You're not alone Meg. I don't remember a "Krista" or a "my naughty_angel_14" either! Dang...
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, July 11, 1999.
Have to join you two. Who is this?
-- Danni (, July 15, 1999.
Alright if you know me you are supposed to answer not if you don't...
-- Krista (, July 15, 1999.