remember me?? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Wow!! Been a long time...however I was back a few days ago, under another name, for those of you who were in Notebook, I had a chance to say hello. I think of all the old gang often, wondering what is new, and how you are doing. Would love to hear from you guys. Hope to see you soon, as I am now haunting vp a little more. *HUGE hugs to all*


-- Lee (, July 08, 1999


I remember you. Do you remember me? : ) Welcome back!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, July 08, 1999.

hi memorable you (smile)

-- Medea.. (, July 09, 1999.

HMMMmmmmm now let me think..Lehave? lehave who behaves..Nah..Sheesh how in the world could we forget you!!Miss you heaps and have been thinking of you...actually good thoughts LOL..Come back soon Sis Love ya Joseerose

-- joseerose (, July 09, 1999.

hey Lehave... welcome home hun.

-- desdra (, July 10, 1999.

huh?....really...who is this again?mmmm, it has been a long time since that ICQ knocked under that name? Will some of the regulars from Ecile want to fill me in just who this person is??(flipping through mug-shots from work) I need a line-up!Pardon the punn, but have you heard the word "brain-washed"? hehehehe, of course I know...about time you came back!!!!lol...sorry for the actions, Inked has hit me in the head too many times!

-- Washngo (, July 13, 1999.

Remember you who could forget ya. A big hello from Canada to you from Danni and Nix.

-- Danni (, July 15, 1999.

*grins* heheh of course lehave, the vodka hasnt killed allthe grey cells just yet. =)

-- gyps (, July 15, 1999.

*gasp* LEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAVVVVVVVEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs and hugs Lehave* Of COURSE I remember you, WEENIE WOMAN!! where the hell have you been?! I have so much to tell you! we have to talk soon sistah, it's a must. Missed you somethin' fierce!! See you soon hun, hugs always, Chip

-- Chipgirl (, July 22, 1999.

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