The REAL government plans? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

What are the real .gov plans for Y2K? Bump in the road?

Theres an interesting article at World Net Daily dealing with the latest National Guard plans.


A new National Guard RAID unit is being organized and trained to respond to domestic terrorist threats, with a team in every state and territory in time for Y2K.

Each team is made up of 22 full-time National Guard members and is prepared to deal with domestic threats from terrorist groups using weapons of mass destruction.


Details of the National Guard RAID teams were found in arecent report issued by Mark E. Gebicke, director of National Security and International Affairs.


In January he [a source] told WorldNetDaily that the guard was preparing for Y2K disruptions that were expected to last about two or three weeks. Now he admits that plans are being made for "consequences for a very extensive period." Just what those consequences will be he would not say. "Scary, very scary," was his only comment.


He said lower level guard members know only what the general public knows.

"They are being allowed to believe that Y2K consequences will not amount to more than a few minor inconveniences. That's not what we are planning for. We're planning for major, simultaneous disasters in all states and territories," he said.

-- de (, July 06, 1999


Thanks de, once again. WorldNetDaily is and has been the best source for what goes on behind the scenes yet! Joseph Farrah may well be remembered as one of America's greatest patriots in the years to come! His news orginization actually provides....NEWS. -gasp-

-- Will continue (, July 06, 1999.

It`s not surprising that illiterates such as "Will Not Think" believe that the WorldNetDaily joke has something in common with real journalism. Unless of course you BELIEVE in poison contrails, UN concentration camps, the illuminati, the NWO or that Art Bell should be the next president.

the online equivalent of the National Enquirer.

"... I believe we'll start seeing [disruptions] by this summer, and I believe they'll continue for at least a year. As many people are now aware, 46 states (along with Australia and New Zealand) will begin their 1999-2000 fiscal year on July 1, 1999; New York (and Canada) will already have gone through their Y2K fiscal rollover on April 1, and the remaining three states begin their new fiscal year on August 1, September 1, and October 1. We also have the GPS rollover problem to look forward to on August 22nd, as well as the Federal government's new fiscal year on October 1st.

There is, of course, some finite probability that all of these rollover events will occur without any problems; but there's also a finite probability that pigs will learn to fly."

"So, of course I want to see y2k bring down the system, all over the world. I have hoped for this all of my adult life." -- Gary North

"Do I wish to see the present Federal governmnet completely disemboweled? Yes, absolutely"

-- Paul Milne (, July 05, 1999.

-- Y2K Pro (, July 06, 1999.

Apparently Y2K PRO has already been disemboweled. His tiny brain is operating from a glass test tube in a dark basement somewhere in Bolivia. His is wired to a computer and is seeking a body doner on the Internet, between his occasional visits to this forum. Keep an eye on those saline levels, brainy! (sorry, forgot you don't have eyes yet) You could team up with Poole....he's a warm body with no brain!

-- Will continue (, July 06, 1999.


The National Enquirer and others mentioned must be right at least 10% of the time. People like yourself better hope this isnt the time

-- BiGG (, July 06, 1999.

Can it possibly be true that WorldNewDaily is the most popular site on the Internet...?

-- just (wondering@about.this), July 06, 1999.

World Net Dailys artical in January on the National Gaurds Communication exercises and preparations have been proven accurate. This lends credibility to this lastest story.

-- srn (SRN47`2@AOL.COM), July 06, 1999.

according to two guard guys that I work with this article is absolutely true.. The past articles written by WorldnetDaily have also been right on target when addressing the Guard and their Y2K plans. The rest of the forum should try to confirm this with people that you know in the guard..

-- Gary (, July 06, 1999.

You know, WND reminds me alot of the Village Voice. I keep seeing stories that at first blush seem absurd, but then later not only turn out to be true, but get picked up and covered by 'mainstream' media.

I may not believe everything they write, but they certainly have proved themselves credible to me in the past...


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.COM), July 06, 1999.

Saint Joseph ,Missouri News-Press 7-6-99


The Missouri National Guard is beginning a recruitment drive called "Operation Arrowhead."

The Guard will try to recruit at least 200 people by Sept. 30 to join the 12,000 men and women who already belong to the Missouri Guard, said Lt. Col. Mark Hampton

The recruitment effort is going to focus on the St. Joseph and Kansas City areas

In the event of a national emergency, members of the guard can be assigned to active duty with the U.S. Army.

end excerpt

I read the paper online this morning before coming here.


-- mchnst (, July 06, 1999.

I tried accessing World Net Daily as listed above, but could not. I also tried arcent report underlined above. Is there an address I can go to on this, Thanks Cassie

-- Cassandra Bello (, July 06, 1999.

The National Guard's New Y2K RAID Team Plan for Domestic Terror Units in All 50 States by January 1

But will guardsmen be Y2K-ready?

How RAID Teams Work: Special Attention to Weapons of Mass Destruction

xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx

-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (, July 06, 1999.

A friend of mine is in inactive reserves. Says he hasn't heard from the Army for five years and all of a sudden he's getting about 1 notice every other week asking him to come on down for some special training! Yeah baby! He says they've even filled in his information on the re-up forms so that he wouldn't have to fill them out, just signem. Hooahh!

Wake up out there bubba, Uncle Sam's got some plan's for you and Oprah.

-- Won Hung Lo (, July 06, 1999.

Y2K Pro: You are either a young punk or your brain development has frozen at the 10-year old level.

I've been around the block enough times to actually SEE many specifics come true be true predicted by organizations such as Word Net Daily and many others in the past.

You, on the other hand, seem to have the foresight of a mayfly, the historical perspective of a maggot, and the observational abilities of a cave mole.

-- A (, July 06, 1999.

...a little cranky at how much money you lost in gold today? 'A' the Y2K Stooge wouldn't know journalism if it bit his/her flabby backside.

WordNetdaily is designed to fleece as many Doomers as possible - hence all the ads for Y2K crapola on their site. And Doomer endomorphs like yourself just keep gettin' fleeced..

-- Y2K Pro (, July 06, 1999.

Y2k Pro,

Hmmm, let's see. Today, World Net Daily is advertising Jewish World Review, Prepaid legal services, Term Life Insurance, Privacy Protection, a video documentary on the economic conspiracy, Long Distance calling services, Y2k food suppliers, and a y2k video for resources in preparation. Oops, don't forget the WND T-shirt and bumpersticker shop (slick marketing). So much for hawking y2k to doomers.

Buzzzzzz offff. The adults have work to do.

-- OR (, July 06, 1999.

See also...

Y2K & the National Guard 0012vt

-- Diane J. Squire (, July 06, 1999.

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