Wash has a question?greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
ok guys and gals...nothing of a big deal, but i keep missing everyone...so what i'm asking, if you can drop me a note when you visit Exile?.....sorta like a guestbook![date.time, etc]...let me know if you guys are breathing or not? I guess you could say....I'm discusted from surfing the rest of vp! (if they were my kids-#@!**#$)...only joking...lol
-- Da' wash (KFGJokerDOC@worldnet.att.net), June 30, 1999
Wwell wash here is your message!! Consort and I miss your noisy siren....NOT! Wish us luck , we are getting married in 24 July.
-- Ladyhawk7 (faith@iexpress.net.au), July 01, 1999.
Still breathing here, Washn. And best wishes/congrats to LadyHawk & Consort! Woohoo! On what continent will the happy occasion take place?
-- Cardialgia (Cardialgia@rocketmail.com), July 01, 1999.
wow wash...seems i'm always passing through sometime or other. hmmm. i see you on icq alot. just message there if exile needs filling? ~me...
-- Medea.. (medea1968@hotmail.com), July 02, 1999.
ok ok... i know i am scarce here in exile but i am alive. If anyone needs me most likely you can get me on ICQ (15517140) or e-mail. Also thanks wash for signing my guestbook on my page hehehe. i guess this is my opportunity to return the favor. &-)
-- Wolfie (wolf7980@excite.com), July 02, 1999.
You already saw me Wash LOL! But hey congrats Lady and Consort! That calls for a party... Everyone needs to get a microphone for their computer now so we can all try the new Excite voice chat. It's so cool!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), July 03, 1999.
hey wash... it is 4:27pm here... two hours later there. it is monday afternoon. i usually come online around 8 here am and pm sometimes. i just HATE missin ya. Hug. later hun................. Desdra
-- R.C. (sparklz101@hotmail.com), July 05, 1999.
Yeah what was the question again? I need to change my habbit of reading the question after i have answered it. But anyway, good habbits die hard! So exile seems dead? Absolutely NOT , maybe you're going to the wrong address, there are 2 exile rooms, i'm telling u this just incase u did'nt know. 1 id the real lively full exile, the other the dead empty one. Be smart & go 2 the right 1 next time. As for the sign book thingy, make a homepage & i'll be sure 2 sign it. So wash how's the summer going? Did u get a tan yet? I'm fine & i'll c u in the right exile!!!! (goal__) Jas
-- Jasmine B (shteffi@hotmail.com), July 07, 1999.