Happy Birthday Juglans (July 3rd)!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Happy (early) Birthday Juglans! Hope you have a great trip! See you on the 6th. ~Medea

-- Medea.. (medea1968@hotmail.com), June 28, 1999


Happy Birthday you! Thanks for being a good friend. Sorry I haven't been around much lately......But I know you understand. I hope you enjoy your day....

Hugs and Kisses


-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), June 28, 1999.

Happy Birthday Juglans and the next time you come up our way laighe and I will try to meet you some where

-- Jamais1 (jamais@airmail.net), June 28, 1999.

All right, juglans, have fun! Happy Birthday five days early. I hope your real life birthday and the virtual party are both good ones for you.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), June 28, 1999.

Happy Birthday to one of the greatest gentlemen in Exile. (A small kiss from Ladyhawk)

-- Ladyhawk7 (faith@iexpress.net.au), July 01, 1999.

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