How to parse a compressed mpeg file to individual chapters : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, could any one tell me the principle or basic concept to parse a video sequence(compressed mpeg file) into individual chapters?

Any suggestion is welcome! Thanks a lot!

-- wenjen (, June 22, 1999


Simple answer for this question---use videopack 4.0

-- MrVCD (, July 25, 1999.

I heard there is a shareware software which paste .mpg files (although they must be with the same framerate and resolution). It is called Mpeg Joiner. Have a look at (if you do not know jet).

regards Luigi

-- Luigi Brambilla (, August 02, 1999.

You can do this with VCDCutter which is an app by someone named Jiao in China and costs $20. for making it work without features being disabled. Another is Darimvision's M-editor. Oks?

-- EMartinez (, September 20, 1999.

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