People Leaving Exile? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

I'm not sure I understand what you guys are talking about in exile... From what I've seen attendence has gone from almost nothing to at least 2 or 3 people in there most of the time... The way I see it Exile seems to be coming back? correct me if I'm wrong though?

-- Mithrandir (, June 22, 1999


I think the reality of the matter is that people are developing in the real world as they are here in Exile. We've had some couples get together, some arguments and fueds, and more good times than we can all remember. All I know is I've met too many good people here just to leave like a fart in the wind *snicker* So I'll always keep in touch, if it be ICQ, email, or VP. I still make an occasion stop and let my voice be heard here on the board, so as much as some of you may like, you'll never be rid of the levitating elf!!!!

Have a good one all, keep the good times rolling

Your friend, Drizzt of Exile

-- Drizzt of Exile (, June 22, 1999.

When I first came to Exile I enjoyed a room full of different personalities. Now days hardly anyone is there during the day and only a few nights a week are there more than 2 or 3 people in the room. I miss all the companionship but understand there is a real world out there and it is summer time

-- jamais1 (, June 22, 1999.

Yep. Some of us also come online later than others. See you all soon!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, June 23, 1999.

I don't have a choice on leaving, but I hope at least some people will still be here when I return.

-- _Elesar_ (, June 24, 1999.

Hey!....over here???,(waving) no no no...over here!!!(jumping-up and down) the cleanest av in vp!...(echo echo)....(hands glasses to vistiors)...yeah yeah, it's me...I guess you can chaulk it up to being the summer season!. I have to admit I'm out in the yard more often.....but Exile is always on my quick launch!...Cya all soon! Washngo

-- Da' wash (, June 25, 1999.

If I didn't have to keep driving 38 miles to the nearest mall to buy crickets for a pet lizard I'd have more time to be online too! I plan to "free Willy" next weekend and then we'll see what happens...

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, June 25, 1999.

There is no answer.

Very ZEN, and often confusing. We come, we go.

I love the flow. I am wishing we could have more activity in between the coming and going, but I was here "when" and understand how our lives "change" drastically--if not even perceived in advance--and I will persist in keeping in touch with friends here.

-- sibil (, June 25, 1999.

Oh PC has been in hospital on and off. also being in australia and it being winter we are definitely on a schedule that brings us to Exile when there is no one to be seen. (sniff) However we have been trying to get in on friday evenings US time to say hi.

BTW we are tying the knot on Sat 24July at 1100 our time, (that is 2000 Pacific time on Friday US) so we hope you will spare a thought for us. Much love from Lady and Consort

-- Ladyhawk7 (, July 01, 1999.

Mith! Laighe! Jam! Wash! LadyHawk! So many familiar names up there, including you love, yes, I saw you too Drizzt. I wish I could get here more often. I miss you all, be it three at a time or 20! Hope to see you soon, and CONGRATULATIONS LH and Consort!!!! Much love and HUGGGGGGSSSSSSSSS, Chip

-- Chipgirl (, July 04, 1999.

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