Gobble's Birthday 16th Junegreenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Umm...I'm not 100% sure either what the story is with Gobbles and her message on ICQ. I know she has also changed her name from Gobbles on there too. I haven't heard anything else about it though.However it is her Birthday here tomorrow and if she reads this I'd like to wish her the happiest of days. I know she deserves it.
Lub ya ferret friend, *biggest of huggles smoochies and huggssssssssssssssssss*
-- Venus. (VenustheGoddess@hotmail.com), June 14, 1999
Happy Birthday Exile's favorate ferret *grin* May your happiness be counted on the smile's that you see on your friend's faces. Indeed this day is yours.Take care and I wish you the best, Drizzt of Exile
-- Drizzt of Exile (Silverblue_Eyes@hotmail.com), June 14, 1999.
Whoa! I almost missed it too! Happy birthday gobbles!!! I hope to see you online, on your birthday, so we can celebrate together.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), June 14, 1999.
Happy Birthday Gobbs HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS May u have many more. I wish u a great fun-filled B-Day. Take care, we all love you!P.S. I want to emphasise what a great job Venus (Nyx.) has done to remember all the B-Days. Sometimes love is there, but it does'nt shine through. Coz of her, it does. Full Marks to you hun.
-- Jasmine B (shteffi@hotmail.com), June 16, 1999.