Why exile?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

I was searching the internet for other exiles (pref. from Motavia, Catamine or the Boundz)and I found this site. I thought "Right, Doran, get your exilic brain into 'on' mode and find out what the erias it is about." So what the erias is it about? Exile? Good RPG's on the Mega Drive? Good books by Ben Bova? I get the impression that it is about paintings or other non-Motavian interests.


-- Doran Pascart 'The Exile' (Hlowe73489@aol.com), June 11, 1999


we are a group of people who didn't like a certain room so another room was made for us to gather

-- jamais1 (jamais@airmail.com), June 11, 1999.

Gee, Doran, have you got about half an hour for an explanation? LOL! Catch me or just about anyone in Exile and we'll tell you the whole story behind the webpage. The short version is this: A group of us were frequenting DaVinci's Notebook at Excite's Vplaces chat. We had fun and great conversations about everything imaginable. Trouble makers came there and disrupted our atmosphere. Edtrix and Illuminatus and some others created another place for us to gather. They called it DaVinci's Exile. After two years the old room, Davinci's Notebook, is becoming more like it used to be and some of us brave the old room now and then.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), June 11, 1999.


Virtualplaces is a popular chatting system that uses Internet explorer. I don't know if you were using that system. At any rate this page was designed as a Virtualplaces chat page where we can escape the incredible smut and hostility that seems to exist in Chat, and chat to friends without much interruption.

-- buddym. (benmcfarlane@hotmail.com), June 11, 1999.

Yeah, what they said. Come join us sometime.

-- tammae_27 (tamgaunt@hotmail.com), June 12, 1999.

Gee Laighe,

Your answer sounds like the beginning of an epic tale! Are you a writer? You make the whole thing sound really Dramatic. heh. Seriously though, it does sound quite exciting the way you put it. Indeed, we are aptly named........exiles. Buddy

-- buddym (benmcfarlane@hotmail.com), June 13, 1999.

Thankyou for the answers. Most people don't answer my messages when I contribute to my message boards. They think they are superior to me because I am less educated than them (less educated doesn't necessarily mean less intelligent! In fact, it many cases it means 'less rich') and don't make sense. I prefer to think of my messages as abstract rather than nonsense. After all, how can they understand that 'there doesn't seem to be anything interesting here' is a very emotional passage to me? I mean, if you spent three and a half years in exile in a place where everyone had their priorities wrong (a place called 'Planet Earth') wouldn't you be starting to think that perhaps there may be nothing interesting here? The actual quote was from Phantasy Star 1, a computer game. Anyway, perhaps I'm rambling on too much. I'm kind of a writer, I suppose. I'm one of those creative exiles. Perhaps I will publish some of my stuff one day. You never know. Maybe when I return to Catamine...


-- Doran Pascart 'The Exile' (Hlowe73489@aol.com), June 14, 1999.

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