graduate school qualifications : LUSENET : APA Division 47 Exercise and Sport Psychology : One Thread

I am entering my senior year of undergraduate study and have recently decided that I want to pursue a career in sports psychology. The problem is that I am a Communication Studies major, and have taken only General Psychology during my undergraduate career. A relatively large percentage of the literature I have read about Sports Psychology recommends having an undergraduate degree in either psychology or kinesiology. This puts me at a disadvantage, and I am wondering about my chances of getting into a good graduate program.

-- Meghan Karen Krause (, June 10, 1999


You can get into a sprt psych program as long as you take the pre- requisites for that program. This is about 4-5 classes. Contact Gail Solt at John F. Kennedy University at 925-254-0110. She is the chair of the s.p. program and can give you all of the answers. Or call me at 925-355-1685 Sincerely, Eric DuBois, M.A.

-- eric dubois (, June 27, 1999.

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