To repair or not to repair..... : LUSENET : Photography Singapore : One Thread

Dear Sir / Madam

I've a question that I could not so answer myself. You see, recently I sent my Nikon F-601QD and a Nikon 28-85 3.5-4.5 AF lens for servicing at Nikon Singapore. According to the technician, my len's 'helicoil' and 'zooming cam tube' are worn out and will have to replaced. What are those items and what are the effects if I do not wish to replace them? What shocked me the most is that it'll costs me S$260.00 just for the replacement of the parts and S$80.00 for the service. My question is.. Is that lens worth replacing bearing in mind that I actually bought the len at a second hand shop(Jessops) in London 2 years back at 250 pounds or should I just purchase another new lens?

Thank you very much and I hope I get a reply soon!

Regards Victor

-- Victor Lam (, June 01, 1999


I will just write it off. It may not be as good as before even if u send it to an authorised agent.

-- Wee Keng Hor (, June 02, 1999.

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