The Site : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hey everyone! My guinea pig website is competing in the site fights. For those of you who dont know, the site fights is a competition where you enter your website to compete against other sites and each week the winner from each division moves up to a new division until they are competing in the Dome. Anyhow, friends, will you please be so kind as to take some time out of your schedule and vote for me? My page addy is: is an image of a baby bunny saying "Vote for me, I'm a DaBunny"/ Click on that and it will take you to the page where you can vote for me okie?
If you want you can vote for me daily, but only once a day. I can only have 1 vote per isp account. Hey, why not vote for some of my competitors while you are there too? Its all in fun anyway!
Thanks everyone in advance!
Love, ~Ivy
-- Poisoned Ivy (, May 28, 1999