End is coming close my friends...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

As I have but one full week left, my time among you in VP is coming to and end. Please one and all, shed no tears, for the levitated elf will be back next year, whether you like it or not *evil smile* Email me as often as you'd like, and I promise I'll email you back, even if I don't know you! Don't be afraid to check up on me either! Levitate over too:


This is a text only email address (hey, it's free and I don't need an internet connection cause I don't know if I'll have one or not at home), so please no URL's. Email me please even if you just say hi! and sign your name.

Take care all, I miss you even now because I can't hop in as much as I was there for a while. Take care, have a great summer and I'll levitate next to you soon, Drizzt's honor

*hugs and giggles* Drizzt of Exile

-- Drizzt of Exile (Silverblue_Eyes@juno.com), May 07, 1999


I will miss you take care and hope to see you in the fall

-- Jamias1 (Jamais@airmail.net), May 07, 1999.

I'm going to miss "your levitating self" Drizzt! Have a wonderful summer. I hope you get lots of kisses from chipgirl. :) Hey - you know that e-mail works both ways, right? Since some of you Exilers are graduating or celebrating the end of a hard year at school, I think the next week whould just be one party after another. So, Drizzt, let's have a goodbye `til fall party ok? You pick the night or nights. We can supply our own refreshments LOL!!!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), May 07, 1999.

I'm sorry I didn't get to see more of you this year, Drizzt! You stay in touch, you hear? And if you'd like anything related to "the group," just email and I'll post it here on the message board for you!

Have a wonderful summer, drizzt, and don't forget to write! :-)

-- editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), May 09, 1999.

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