I need help to get my webpages posted.greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Ok now - I need some help. If any of you know anyone who speaks English, has a domain name and uses Netscape's Composer I could use their help. I can't get my webpage to publish (or upload) with Composer. I finally got a temporary page up by using Cute FTP. It's a real pain to have to upload each image, etc. that's why I wanted to use Composer or some other HTML editor in the first place... I keep getting the error message, in Composer, that the DNS can't be found so I know I'm doing something wrong. (I've double checked for typos so I know it's not that.) Please help me before I pull out all my hair and have a stress induced "fall down on the floor and spit fit"! LOL!!! *sigh* Naw, I won't really end up bald or rolling around on the floor but, since he's the only one here right now, Mr. Laighe's sure catching the worst of my frustration! He's already bald but those spitting fits can be messy...
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), April 25, 1999
well I speak english? lol, Boy, I feel sorry for the ol'man! hehe
-- Washngo (KFGJokerDOC@worldnet.att.net), April 29, 1999.