Hey!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Are we not using this board anymore? Just there haven't been any postings for 5 DAYS!!! Seems strange to me..maybe we're all just away.... OK...some news from me...err I'm engaged!!! IRL!!!...And anyone who can't believe it is welcome to ask....but jeez...I'm shocked!! *s* Take care all.. hugsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
-- gobbles (gobbles2@hotmail.com), April 18, 1999
Yeow! That's fabulous news, Gobbles! Best wishes to you and congrats to the lucky guy!As for the board ... yes, it's gotten quiet. I'd noticed that too.
-- (Cardialgia@rocketmail.com), April 18, 1999.
I'm so happy for you! (Should I go open my e-mail?) Wow! May we give you a virtual engagement party? I'll have to look in a couple of books to find out what sorts of snacks ferrets like best. Gee, this is the nicest news ever! When did he propose? I want to know details!!! Dang gobbles this is huge! I wish you could see the grin on my face right now. Lot's of hugs and best wishes!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), April 18, 1999.
*tight and warm hug* Oh Gobbles, I am so happy for you!!! I congratulate you and your future soul mate to be! I do wish the best for you both and will pray for you safety and well being as best as any levitating elf ever could *giggles* I shall indeed rejoice in the pleasure of my friends...after all, I count my blessings with the smiles on my friend's faces. Take care and the best of luck to you both!!!
-- Drizzt of Exile (Silverblue_Eyes@hotmail.com), April 18, 1999.
CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS Well done my little ferret friend. Hope my invite doesn't get lost in the mail *wink* after all its only a hop skip and jump over there for me :) I'm so pleased for you hun!!!*HUGE HUGGLES AND SNUZZLES* *engagement hugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggs* Luv Nyx
-- Nyx. (Goddess_Nyx@hotmail.com), April 19, 1999.
Congratulations Gobbles couldn't happen to a better person. May you find true happiness together.Sorry to be neglecting the board :-(
-- Taliesin (taliesin@excite.com), April 28, 1999.
Holy cow! hehehe. dunno how ya found the time....hmmmm ya did'nt seduce one of the docs now, did ya? :) damn I missed da boat yet again! Hugggas an snuzzles an a handshake to the lucky guy. Lemme know if yer gonna have an engagement party in here...I'm my usual inconsistant self about visiting in here, but I will be there!
-- flingdude (flingcat@kepnet.com), April 28, 1999.
***THUD*** I just passed out! Congrats to you gobs! Hugs and kissess, ferret face! *SMOOTCH*
-- lisaski (lisaski@sprynet.com), April 29, 1999.
oh WOW, gobbles! That's fantastic news -- sorry for the delayed response from me ... I've been doing the hiding trick (perhaps this means I have ferret blood in me?) Mazel tov!
-- editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), April 29, 1999.
Woohoo @ gobbles! You found a guy that likes ferrets then? Congrats anyway...hope to see you out here soon. umm...maybe i should check this board more often if its full of news like this? lots of names i dont know...i guess im getting old...lol. See ya cousin goooobles. Goooblin
-- Dark.Goblin (goblin56@hotmail.com), April 30, 1999.