Making the web our main means of action : LUSENET : ILT Discussion : One Thread


What sorts of things do we need to do in order to make web-based exchanges, materials, and productions our main means of managing our activities?

Ideas? Cautions? Convictions?


-- Robbie McClintock (, April 12, 1999


Jumping in. Present experience should inspire ideas, present cautions and drive convictions. I trust the creative process enough to not preconceive ideas, cautions, and convictions within a new set of variables.

Just for fun-My plate for the week of 04/19-23/99:

PLAYING TO WIN: workshop logistics for CIESIN (May 8); Art Applications (June 12)= mailing and follow-up calls within eiffel test-bed.

4/30 RFP: organizational chart, financial plan, resume collection, drafting language, communication with Alison Dewhurst

SUMMER INSTITUTES: collecting descriptions and draft agendas to compile in a publication to be mailed out early next week. Developing terms for and contacting seven local assists. Negotiating/conferencing with Barbara Shelly about collaborative aspects of projects/institutes, drafting letter with DN to NHEEEP administrators re digital portfolio process

WORKSHOPS: Logistics for the 10 NHEEEP workshops that remain, developing workshop for the Second Site Manager's Meeting (May 4 & 5)

EIFFEL: Following up with professional development panel attendees, scheduling next participant session, poetry project, researching funding resources

NHEEEP ORGANIZATIONAL: meeting with Stan Silverman et al. re libraries and museums in the consortium (discussing potential projects and distance relationships), contract (voyager line, termination, final budget), meeting with Saadia and Nicole re evaluation database and Fall evaluation.

PD WEB SITE: editing, seeking design resources.

TC WORKSHOP SERIES: working with center (katie embree)for extension for 1999/2000 greensheets-want to buy time for TC-based professional development business plan developed by consensus, following dialog of Task Force on Technology and the Future.

ORGANIZATIONAL-research, drafting bio for ILT Web site, submitting paragraph to Robbie re ILT function and structure, personal professional development (classes, workshops, conferences)

-- Kelly A. Corder (, April 20, 1999.

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