Peaking in to say : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hello Everyone. Once again, the few times I get to make it in.. No one is about. I suppose its my timing..considering it is barely noon here on the east coast. But I wanted to get a message out to all of you to say hello. Hope real life is treating each of you well. Mine is fine, just extremely busy. Hope to make it in some evening.. and see familiar faces. Until then, please take special care.
-- Semp (, April 10, 1999
I know I saw you last night but I just wanted to say hi anyway! Now I'm in here and nobody else is...
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, April 11, 1999.
HEY SEMP!!!! I didn't get to see you the other night, vp won't let me into exile, but i got in today! so maybe i'll see ya. Well, good to see you are on again. Luv ya, Jenga
-- Jenga (, April 14, 1999.
Glad you are "peaking-in"..but next time knock!...I sometimes run around the room nude.(freedom thing), I'll talk to ED...maybe she can install a doorbell...easier on the knuckles!...Peak-back Soon! Da'wash
-- Washngo (, April 14, 1999.