greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

I'm in ICQ more than I am in VP, so if ya wanna get a hold of me throughout the day, my ICQ is 7550387. Just remind me who you are *grin* I do tend to get forgetful.

--Drizzt of Exile

-- Drizzt of Exile (cscarlet@pittstate.edu), March 30, 1999


Hey Drizzt! Thought you fell off the face of the world like the rest of us. Email me your ICQ number and I will add you to my list. I also use ICQ much more than I do VP.. I'm very rarely out on either though.. so be warned. Hope to see you soon though..so send me that ICQ number

-- Semp (kerosene00@hotmail.com), March 31, 1999.

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