I have returnedgreenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Fellow Exilers, Drizzt of Exile hath returned! *grin* Thought I'd let you all know I'm back, but under "Silverblue_Eyes" handle. Many many things have happened since I've been away adventuring. Don't be afraid to stop and say hi when you get the chance!Your levitating elf, Drizzt
-- Drizzt (cscarlet@mail.pittstate.edu), March 28, 1999
Hellooo!!!!!!!!!! How are you? E-mail or icq me or something...haven't seen you in half a forever!
-- Katya (kgregor@fast.net), March 29, 1999.
All right Drizzt! Yee haw! When can we expect to see you float down again in Exile? Or do you go to another room now?
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), March 29, 1999.