How to put index information in a MPG-1 file? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Well, I checked some commercial video cds and they all have one single mpeg track. You can navigate within this track vie index markers. Now, .... how do you put them in a mpg-1 file? I tried splitting the video up into individual tracks but playback isn't smooth, more often than not a 5 second delay between tracks occurs. So index navigation is much better and smoother but I'm left with the problem "how".

-- Harald Schuster (, January 14, 1999


u can try use video pack 4.0. but i try use entry point there is a error. cequadrat not repply my error, so i hope you can find the error. the point is videopack 4.0 can make what u want, but you should fixed the bug first

-- submarine (, May 22, 1999.

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