purchasing a MC for pet only

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I am looking for a pet quality MC, I have had one which was 14 when he died. I would like a kitten. I don't want show quality, as it will be a pet only. Can anyone help?

-- Anonymous, December 30, 1998


The first place I suggest you look is the kitten and retirees bank. If you don't see anything listed in your area, then visit our Breeder Listings and write to, or call, the listed breeders in your area (or region, or country -- people are generally happy to refer you to someone closer).

Best of luck in your search,


-- Anonymous, December 31, 1998

I received 3 responses from yesterdays question. I am located in New York State, Hamilton County. I looked on Breeder Listings and there didn't seem to be any close to me. I hope this is of more help to everyone. Thank you!!!!

-- Anonymous, May 20, 1999

Another idea would be to go to some of the cat shows in your area and connect with some of the breeders there. If you look like a "good" person (well, we don't want our kitties going to bad people!!), they may have some kittens or retirees available or know other breeders who do. You can find info on cat shows on the TICA site http://www.tica.org/frames.htm (scroll on left to show schedule) or CFA site http://www.cfainc.org/ (scroll to cat shows then down the page to the schedule)

Good luck.

-- Anonymous, June 01, 1999

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