CONTRIBUTION OF PSYCHOLOGY TO SPORT (UNDERGRAD ESSAY) : LUSENET : APA Division 47 Exercise and Sport Psychology : One Thread

I've been set the essay title "the contribution of psychology to sport" (2000 words). This may seem simple to many of you 'sport psych's' but psychology is not my strong point and I don't really know where to start. It seems to be such an open ended question. I'm not asking anyone to answer the essy for me I would just appreciate some help. Anyone?

-- Rob Jefferies (, November 12, 1998


Like you I have been assigned that topic as well. Basically I have looked specifically at different ergognetic aids of sport psychology and then have applied them to the idea that sport psychology benefits performance. I hope this helps a little.

-- Lynsey Fitzaptrick (, October 27, 1999.

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