Students under age 30 : LUSENET : Bethany Bible College : One Thread

Are there any other students of Bethany who are younger than about 30? I am eighteen, and just curious as to the average age of a Bethany Student. I am especially interested in meeting fellow 1998 high school graduates. Thanks for answering! : ) : ) : )

-- Tiffany D.Cornish (, September 30, 1998


I am 29 years old and will turn 30 in September, so I figured I ought to reply while I still can!! You can visit my web site at and see a picture of me and my better half, Bridget.

-- Greg "Fudge" Miller (, March 05, 1999.

Yes Tiffany, there are other students under the age of 30. I began my studies with Bethany after graduating from the 3 year program at New Brunswick Bible Institute. I am 24 now, and have since completed my studies with Bethany, and am pursuing further work at two other theological institutions. We always host the spring extension school at West Lane Baptist Church (where I am Minister of CE and Music), and from the other students that I have met here in Canada, I would say that about half of them would be under the age of 30, which may be of some interest to you. All the very best in your work with Bethany.

-- Devin Johnstone (djohnstone@aries.ccca), November 24, 1999.

Hi! It's me again. I'm a little older now, and maybe a little wiser, who knows!?!?!? Anyway, I've changed my e-mail address, and I'm still interested in meeting others who are "Remembering their Creator in the days of their youth!" ` Tiffany :o)

-- Tiffany Cornish (, January 31, 2000.

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