Paint on CG covered : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
Does anyone knows the colors used on the 2-bay CG covered hoppers? I am looking for the color of the underside especially, but would like to know the correct color for the cars pre-Southern.Thanks, Larry Denton
-- Larry Denton (, June 25, 1998
Larry, I built a CofG 2-bay covered hopper a few years back, using the then popular MDC kit. This was before all of the current models hit the market. Anyhow, I used the Testor's Gull Gray on my model and was very satisfied with the results! Lettering was accomplished using a Champ alphabet set(A-11 1/4" Block Gothic, Black) and a variety of left-over data from other projects. I found that this was very time consuming, and is probally why I never built the other 2 cars I had planned. I'm not one to run away from a paint just because it is a military color and not a specific RR color. It also breaks up yhe monotony of a whole train in the same color. I have also used Testor's Blue Angel Blue on a TM 2-Bay hopper I'm lettering TA&G. Hope this is of some help. Russell
-- Russell Underwood (, November 20, 1999.
Regarding Allen's remarks about 4-bay PS2's on the CAGY. Have seen a couple of these recently at Meridian, but they are so rusted it's impossible to tell what the original color was. Have a picture if interested.
-- Bill Lowe (, January 05, 1999.
Larry,All of the color photographs that I have of CG covered hoppers show various shades of grey. As far as I can tell from the photos, the entire car, including underframe, was grey. This grey did seem to vary a great deal, apparently affected by weathering. It seems to me that Reefer Grey is too dark. I think that Polly Scale Undercoat Light Grey or Testors Gull Grey might be closer. I don't know of any CG 2-bay hoppers that are still around, but there are a handful of the PS2 4-bay hoppers in THE RIGHT WAY scheme still running on the Columbus and Greenville RR.
-- Allen Tuten (, June 30, 1998.