THE MOVE IS ON!!! : LUSENET : occasional planet : One Thread


The on again - off again saga of the Hartsog/Swanson move from Winston-Salem to Danbury is once again on!

Closing set for Tuesday, December 16 (that's tomorrow) - and the major migration of stuff, kids, and pets will begin on Friday, Dec. 19.

Anyone with the time and energy is welcome and encouraged to join us on either Friday (12/19) or Saturday (12/20) to load and unload the moving truck. We'll try to take a break before noon on Saturday (12/20) to head down the hill to Gina's for the Wagner Holiday celebration. We've also got all day Sunday to move anything that didn't get transported on Friday and Saturday!

yeeehaw! Hope you can make it!

-- Dale (, December 15, 1997


moving to the sticks!

Sounds like we'll make the Greensboro Christmas trip a week earlier than planned! Awright! Only thing is, we'll miss Floyd's and Mary's Christmas week shindigs. Another year...

-- Dawn Utecht (, December 16, 1997.

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