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MONDAY EVENINGS at the DURNING LIBRARY with the Friends of Durning Library

from Cathy (FoDurningLibrary@aol.com)

MONDAY EVENINGS at the DURNING LIBRARY with the Friends of Durning Library

Dear Friends

A reminder about this Monday evening's event at the Durning Library.

Best wishes


Evening events at 7.0 for 7.30  --  all welcome
(come early - space limited)
Held at the Durning Library,  167 Kennington Lane,  SE11
£2 suggested donation
Nibbles and drinks

Monday 16 February:  "Mr Guy's Hospital and the Caribbees"

Medical historian Jane Bowden-Dan will be discussing the medical care of Caribbean slaves sent "home" from the West Indies by London merchants and treated at Guy's Hospital.  Was it humanitarian concern or enlightened self-interest which led to the slave Samson being treated by premier surgeon Samuel Sharpe?

Monday 15 March:  "Can We Avert Climate Catastrophe?"

Where can we find the real facts about climate change?  Are the relevant scientists in disagreement about the facts?  How real and imminent is the threat of climate catastrophe?  Can we avert it, and if so how much time have we got?  These are some of the questions that John Mead, of the UNED-UK Energy & Climate Panel, will try to answer.
(posted 7385 days ago)

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