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Response to Halifax - do I have a case for underselling?

from moira (Anderston828@aol.com)
It might help if you can show that other houses (identical or very similiar) were sold around the same period for more than yours. If your home was on an estate or street where the specifications are similiar this should/could support your claim. To do this you can contact Land Registry, give them details and they will for a small fee give you a list of all the properties they have registered at a apecific 6 moth period. So if your home was sold in July, get them to check 6 months either side of that date. With a bit of luck it might throw up an address with the same/similiar type of house sold for a higher price.

If you want to know who actually bought your home you can check the voters roll on 192.com.

My understanding is that lenders have to do their utmost to get the best price for reposessed properties, but as we all know from this site, this is very rarely the case. But the problem is proving at and finding someone who will listen.

You must sign the e petition and contact your MP/MSP to help raise awareness.

Re unsubtantiated bill for services...you must write and ask for full details and as always make it clear you are not admitting any liability for the alleged debt.

Good Luck


(posted 7640 days ago)

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