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Response to E-Petition, please sign.

from Julie Redmond (klubbinjulz@hotmail.com)
Mortgage companies are inhumane and greedy. If they listened to their lenders from the start and took a more humane aproach to people, they would save a lot of heartache and stress and a wopping big bill for court cases and the lowlife bastards who use underhanded tactics to find poor families (because thats all they are, not hardened criminals, just families who've had to endure the threat and reality of homelessness because of these greedy megacorps) and ruin their lives. I am signing this position after my brother commited suicide because he was hounded relentlessly by Northern Rock PLC which caused his wife to divorce him and he couldn't even afford to buy his baby clthes. In his words, "If I cant be a man anymore, and provide for my family, theres no point in carrying on". Where has the common sense gone? And what the hell is the Government and the "Law" doing about this? Nothing. This harrasment needs to stop, it's peoples lives theyre dealing with here, not just numbers and statistics.
(posted 7902 days ago)

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