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from Lee (repossession@bigfoot.com)

Yes, I certainly don't think you should be sending DLA any information you have until they have sent you a full, documented (ie verifiable) account of what the Abbey National did. that way *you* can put the information you have into its place. That is much more desirable than have the DLA/Abbey National do it for you, without giving you the chance to verify it.

Was your source for the information about the endowment repayment able to tell you if Abbey actually cashed the cheques? It may be that Abbey was unable to cash at least one of them because it was in your name.

Is your source able to witness for you in court or to supply written confirmation that you can put in front of a judge if it becomes necessary? Obviously, you need this if the worst comes to the worst (but it usually doesn't if they don't know quite what it is they are up against).

Finally, well done for digging. You're using your rights.


(posted 8712 days ago)

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