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Planet truths not hidden anymore 'Behind The Stone'

from nigel mazlyn jones (iol@cerbernet.co.uk)
Many people have said many times they find some of the music 'transported' them or they cannot explain why they love a piece like Sentinel except that it 'took them somewhere else for a moment'. It is pretty much accepted that there is a physiological effect when certain kinds of music are played that are not just mind things but physical..eg lower heart rate, deeper breathing etc..this is why so called 'new age 'is so popular for relaxation..but as a writer of words and melody I have been aware that I was very effected by certain pieces of music when I was a kid. Part of what I found through writing is that there is a physical state/mood/atmosphere shift when 'good music' happens.What are others first experiences of music 'MOVING' them I wonder.Want to share them????? Nigel M.J.
(posted 8905 days ago)

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