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from Too scared to say (iwasduped@yahoo.com)
Actually...it's not that simple. Once you are married you *can* each be held liable for the other's debts. I have been clobbered for my ex-husband's debts, went to court, the lot, but they still insisted that I had to pay as we were married at the time the debts were incurred by him. Make sure nothing is ever in joint names..and do as Lee says..but if they are persistent he can still be caught. If you think about it, people could transfer assets to other family members all the time just to avoid debts. If the house was in his name before the repossession took place you are OK...but if you bought it as a married couple, regardless of who is on the deeds, they might go after it. They did mine.
(posted 8485 days ago)

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