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I am back!!!!!

from frank williamson (williamsfrank@hotmail.com)
I am happy to say that I am once again able to post on my favorite website!! I am really happy with the quality of postings this site has received! Yeah Casey fans! I tell you, there is nothing worse in the world than a public legal aid attorney. They don't know shit. The reason I was away these last couple of days was that I was in county Jail. Don't worry, nothing that bad. I was arrested and charged with felony possession of a controlled substance, the thing is the stuff wasn't even mine. I had just been holding on tyo the stuff for my friend. Anyway, this stupid public defender wants me to cop a plea, but I said no. Finally, my friend went to the cops and told them the stuff was his. WHEW!!! But while I was in jail I was thinking that it would be a cool place for a modern good v. evil movie that casey could be in. At first i thought he could play a really descent and hard working Public defender that knows one of his clients is innocent, but then I thought he could be better as a bad ass who is in jail for something he didn't really do...like me. But we could write good scenes for the movie, like a cafeteria scene, a shower scene, a scene in the warden's office where casey tells the warden that he is not scared of himn...you know stang=dard prison movie stuff. Then we could have a little twist at the end like shawshank or the crying game so when you leave the theater you say that was a movie that really made m ethink and think that casey is a really good actor and that he could kick leo d's ass, what do you guys think?
(posted 9084 days ago)

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