About the Renewable Energy / Home Power Forum

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Renewable Energy / Home Power : Policy
The Energyland.net Y2k Renewable Energy / Homepower public forum is an opt-in forum, maintained by the staff at Energyland.net. Members of the forum are expected to conduct themselves with decorum, and understand that the moderator of this forum has the ability to track IP addresses. We can and will report anyone who disrupts the forum on a continuing basis. Because this is a bulletin board, and not a private email forum, you have no rights that may apply to private email or any other privacy rights. We also reserve the right to delete any message at any time, however, we will never modify a message that has been posted. We might delete it, but we won't modify it. We're telling you all of this up front. If you don't like these policies, you are requested to refrain from accessing the forum. We only have two requests - that you keep the discussion on topic, and that if you're a vendor and have a product for which you'd like to discuss the benefits, don't simply cut and paste a standard advertisement into the forum. Any such "cut and paste" will be deleted.

How this System Works

This bboard software was written by Philip Greenspun and hosted for free by him started in 1995. Anyone could come in and create a forum and moderate the discussion. Most of the thousands of forums on this server were and are publicly searchable by Google and other Web indices.