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Response to B&B - Solicitors say Mortgage deed and Title dees Same

from Anon (Fight on@RBS.co.uk)

For registered land the deed of assignment (commonly Mortgage Deed) is usually annexed to the Charge Certificate that should be held by the lender. Whereas it is the Title Deeds that will be held by HMLR. You do not state your grounds for disputing the debt but you should be aware that a charge is determined by its registeration on the Charges Register and you probably also need sight of the terms and conditions associated with the Mortgage Deed. This is complicated stuff and please forgive me for saying that without legal advice from a hardworking decent solicitor whose field is the conveyance of land and is not too interested in money (rocking horse Sh*t and all that)I don't think you'll beat these money grabbers. However, as someone who knows what your going through, I hope to be proved wrong. Good Luck you'll need it because the lenders have got money and therefore time is on their side as also are all the money grabbing solicitors.

(posted 7053 days ago)

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