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Demand for increased monthly payment - B&B

from (kate.gates@tesco.net)
My husband was contacted 3 years after a respossession in 1994. He contacted a solicitor who advised him to start making payments immediately to avoid being taken to court. He made substantial payments for 3 years but then brought his payments back down after we had a child and I gave up work. We tried to make a settlement at the time but the B&B made unreasonable demands for bank statements and payslips etc. with no guarantee that they would accept a lesser amount. They are now demanding income and expenditure forms and bank statements with a view to us increasing our payments. We have no intention of providing these. They are again threatening to take us to court if we don't comply. Can they do that if my husband has been making regular payments for the past five years? And though I know he should have, he has never questioned the debt, apart from getting his liability halved due to a joint mortgage with his ex-wife. The debt is only 8,000 now, over 3,000 having been paid off. We aren't afraid of going to court if it comes to that, but are worried how it would affect my husbands credit record and the fact that he now has another mortgage? Also, we have some equity in our current property, can they get their mucky little hands on that? Please don't state the obvious that he should never have paid a penny, we know that now, but at that time we took the advice of some prick of a solicitor!
(posted 7824 days ago)

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